
Friday, June 28, 2019

National Cream Tea Day... Second Date

There were 2 dates listed on my English daily planner calendars I have yearly for National Cream Tea Day...
June 8th and June 28th...
2 excuses to celebrate that wonderful (and probably lethal) concoction clotted cream, but we are celebrating it, not disparaging it...

An afternoon tea at Trellissick we had a couple of years ago... National Trust property, previously the home of Lord Copeland

By accepted definition, a cream tea should have clotted cream, but if not available Devonshire cream...not nearly the same, but... or in the US if you aren't able to find or make the real thing, whipped cream or a combo concoction with various substitutes makes due... but nothing beats the real thing, fresh made in Cornwall or Devon.

In the UK, you can find the actual clotted cream refrigerated, especially Roddas in many areas and big stores like Marks & Spencers, Waitrose, etc...which is pretty close to fresh. 

The Devon Cream Company... which you can sometimes find here in the US, is pretty good as well, but make sure if you try it that it is refrigerated, because it is perishable and the flavor changes if it is left out of the refrigerator.  
If it is just on a shelf... pass!
We used to stock it in our antique and tea items brick and mortar, and kept a jar as an example on a shelf that had been emptied and filled with tiny styrofoam pellets and a fridge below with the stock.

Photo with a jar from a past blog post, and our favorite Strawberry with Champagne jam to have with the cream...heaven!

And there are even cream teas served at sea... and done well!
On the Queen Mary 2 we have had it almost daily with freshly made clotted cream... but you would expect the British Cunard to do it well!

But even on other ships as well... 

So enjoy! It is something that never fades in appeal!


  1. Ruth, glad to hear they do it right on the QM2! I've had tea on the permanently docked QM1. It was excellent as well. I love clotted cream and make my own. The real deal. If you'd like to try it, here's my tutorial. So glad you mentioned not buying it unrefrigerated, and I like how you handled that issue in your store.

  2. Hummm...Delicious celebration!Hugs,dear Ruth!Blessings to your husband and you.

  3. Your teas look wonderful, Ruth, especially the one with the strawberry champagne jam and clotted cream!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)