
Monday, December 24, 2018

December 24th Antique Postcard, Mince Pies!

And wishes for a very happy December 24th... 
Christmas Eve Day!

Certainly a bit late posting today...
as Bob Cratchitt said when being behind his time getting to work...
we made rather merry yesterday...
with a 5 house Christmas crawl block party...
the first social things with the neighbors my husband has been able to do in almost a year!

We have an antique Nativity postcard today...
wishing you
A Peaceful Christmas...

On December 8th, we attended a Christmas tea at one of our local organic Ffarm-to-table restaurants Nourish...
you can see that post HERE

Well, they also have Dine At Home meals take out once a week, and for this week they had their mince meat tarts... so we got a few.
When only 2 were left, I remembered to take photos!

So out came one of my Christmas teacups, Noel by Royal Grafton from the 1950s.
My husband had a Christmas mug, but didn't think it out to be in the photo, so...

The mincemeat tarts came with brandy butter...which is smeared on top. Delicious!
Yesterday I made mincemeat bread, but with the party I forgot to photograph that... sigh...

The delicious mince tart was on our usual Royal Doulton Rosebud china...


  1. Mince tarts look amazing! Merry Christmas to you and yours

  2. The 5-house Christmas crawl party sounded fun. I knew someone who did something similar where each house would serve a course (e.g., appetizers, main course, etc.).


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)