
Friday, June 29, 2018

Happy UK National Cream Tea Day!

First...happy 80th birthday to my Honey!

Love of my life and best friend... 80 today...this was last year....

And depending on which UK paper you see, either today June 29th or the 30th is National Cream Tea Day...
the above photo is from Rodda's Cornish Clotted easy way to have clotted cream at home, rather than make it yourself, which can be difficult.

And you may notice in this photo, that the jam is on top of the cream...which is an actual huge debate in the UK...which should be first... Corwall claims cream on top while Devon claims jam on top...

last year there was a huge kerfuffle in the newspapers in the UK about it, some comments very heated. 
I for one will eat it any way it comes and love it!

Now where's my cuppa?????


  1. Happy Birthday to your husband!Those treats look delicious.Enjoy your Summertime!Hugs!

  2. Happy Birthday to your hubby! I have no preference on the placement of the Devonshire cream and just want lots of it on my scones!

  3. Oh My how I miss the UK... You can not find treats well made like this here, no matter how much Virginia still calls itself a Commonwealth lol...
    Happy Birthday to your husband, have a great weekend!!!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)