
Monday, April 16, 2018

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Titanic China

Hello and welcome to a Tuesday Cuppa Tea remembering Titanic...the unsinkable ocean liner that sunk after hitting an iceberg on the night of April 14th thru 15th, 1912.

The famous White Star ocean liner Titanic sailed with custom designed china for first class passengers from the Royal Crown Derby pottery in England which were reissued for the centennial in 2012, so I am sharing a teacup and teapot from the Titanic china for 1st Class passengers...

I think the design is elegant and classic. The cup and saucer is if I remember correctly 42 pounds, or about $60.

Click on the teacup or teapot to go to the Royal Crown Derby website to see what is available, or click this link: Royal Crown Derby Titanic China

Actual Titanic 1st Class dinner/supper menu...Getty

Cobh, pronounced Cove,  is now a part of Cork, Ireland the main part of which is about 20 miles away, is part of the Titanic story, because it was the last port Titanic touched before heading out and ultimately colliding with the iceberg. The ship had left her birthplace, Belfast just a few days earlier.  Many of the 3rd class immigrant passengers had gotten on here. We were fascinated by the remnants of those days still found in thew picturesque little town when we have been there for the day during several transatlantic cruises to England.

This is the White Star Line headquarters in Cobh about 4 blocks from where our ship was docked during our days here. The building is now a pub...notably named The Titanic...with some cases of memorabilia which was fascinating.

The little town hasn't changed much since Titanic left in 1912.

This is the Kennedy Park near the White Star offices, where many would have waited to board.
The tickets to the museum resemble passenger tickets... and there were tags with an actual passenger name attached, but I couldn't find that part of the tickets...

Cobh was called Queenstown when Titanic sailed from here in 1912, and the town has put together an interpretive and interactive exhibit called The Queenstown Experience that was wonderful. Thousands of Irish immigrants passed out of this port to try to find new lives during the potato famines and clearances. The exhibit, which is full of artifacts, life size recreations of onboard ship experiences and videos, newsreels and personal photo and memorabilia collections was a wonderful and poignant experience about how hard life was for many of the people passing through here.

The room where passengers waited to board is now an area of shops and a tea shop you enter after exiting the exhibit, one of the displays is seen here, and a link to there website is at the bottom of the post.

For some fabulous further interesting websites related to the Titanic disaster, here are:

The Titanic Trail – Guided Walking Tour of Cobh

On March 23, 2018 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle made a visit to Northern Ireland, and while there visited the Titanic Mueum in Belfast.

The museum is on the site of the builders yard where Titanic was built...Harland & Wolff...and includes original spaces as well as an hotel.

The building  was  designed to reflect  the Titanic, and is the same height as the ship...

The couple was presented with a Titanic model by a costumed docent...

Sort of a short Tuesday Cuppa Tea, but still haven't gotten computer totally restored, and we have had blinds break, garage door openers break and all sorts of time consuming appointments and things this week...
oh, and we had several storm related power outages too!
Well, just life needing a lot of attention, and clamouring for time...
and we only have so much, don't we?!
But thanks for joining me for tea. 
I will be joining...

Here is the Tuesday Cuppa Tea linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there!  I am so looking forward to visiting you!


  1. I was looking a a Titanic book this morning and my husband and I were talking about it. This was a wonderful posting and I so enjoyed it!

  2. What an interesting post!I also love the exquisite tea set!Thanks for hosting(even when you are busy!).Hugs,dear Ruth and keep safe.

  3. Hi Ruth! My late beloved and I visited Cobh, when we toured Ireland. It was all very interesting, and I was happy to see your photos of it. Thank you for hosting your party, Ruth, even with all that's going on with your computer and your home. I hope this is a better week for you.

  4. Hello Ruth! Happy almost Tuesday and I'm happy to be able to share an older post about How to Make a Tea Towel and a new tea tablescape A Tulip Tea with you and all your readers. :) I'm excited to read your post about Titanic china!!! I just love that time period and all the linens and silver that was used back then... just ethereal to me!

    Thank you for hosting and I will definitely be sharing,
    Barb :)

  5. Thanks for the interesting background on the Titanic. I also really appreciate how you continue hosting these weekly tea parties, despite all the appointments that you have to juggle.

  6. Hey Ruth .. You tea setting just down’t get any more elegant than the Titanic .... It is all such interesting information.I bet the titanic tea blend would be delicious... You always share such wonderful postings ...Thank you ...Hugs

  7. What a fascinating post this week, Ruth! The model of the Titanic is a splendid gift to offer Prince Harry and his bride-to-be! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Thank you and have a lovely day.

  8. Hi Ruth,
    What a lot of interesting information about the Titanic. The china pattern really is classy. White is always lovely. Thank you for hosting Tuesday Cuppa Tea. Blessings, Karen

  9. The Titanic is such a tragic story. So much to learn from. Thanks for hosting!

  10. I always enjoy reading your post with history on the Royals. What elegant china the Titanic had.
    Thanks for hosting this lovely tea party.

  11. Ruth, I always learn new things here! I'm going to follow that link and learn more. Thank you for hosting despite your having had too many things to deal with of late. Take care of yourself!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)