
Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas! Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Antique Christmas Postcard

Merry Christmas!!!

Antique Christmas postcard for December 25th...from a previous blog post, but my favorite!

I won't have a linky for Tuesday Cuppa Tea this week...
too many destive things going on! 
More time to spend with family and friends!

We just finished watching our favorite version of A Christmas Carol...the musical Scrooge with Albert Finney. And just after it began to snow! We have about 2-3 inches, but it's now to dark to see much, so will be fun to see what we wake up to on Christmas morning!

Have a wonderful day...full of love and joy and peace!


  1. Merry Christmas,dear Ruth!Thanks for hosting "Tuesday Cuppa Tea" the whole year!Your posts are always interesting and beautiful!God bless you and your husband!Hugs!

  2. We received 4-6 inches of snow for Christmas. A white Christmas is long as I don't have to shovel or drive in the snow! Thank you for hosting your weekly tea party. I look forward to partying with you in 2018!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)