
Thursday, September 22, 2016

First Day Of Fall - A Good Report

Can you believe it? Today is the first offiial day of fall...although it's been here for a couple of weeks around here on the Olympic Peninsula...

This is from Country Living the quote from Albert Camus....and Butchart Garden in Victoria, BC Canada, our closest big city, provided this next fall photo from a few days ago...

And last night we received the results of the brain scan...we didn't expect it for a couple of weeks, so was a bit apprehensive when we got the email notification...but it came back normal in every respect...albeit with the usual signe of Parkinson's Disease that was expected. So, no fluid on the brain and we can happily deal with whatever, knowing there is not a more underlying, more concerning problem. Sigh...relief! 

So have a wonderful day, and thanks so much for your sweet and supportive comments and emails.


  1. Eagerly anticipating the arrival of fall in the northeast. Glad there is a sense of relief with the medical results.

  2. Dear Ruth:
    I rejoice with you that there are no more additional problems!

  3. Praise God!!! How simply wonderful to get good news!!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)