
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Post 4th Recovery before Lavender Festival! Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

I don't know about where you are, but July is packed around here! Just about when you feel you have recovered from the 4th of July, it's time for the annual Sequim Lavender Festival....hence my Tuesday Cuppa Tea today, I guess...

We had a lot of unexpected company on and we are recovering! baking this week...tea this week was in a new-to-me Hammersley Grandmother's Rose teacup and some cute little Walker's Shortbread Scotties another friend brought us. Can rationalize baking with stuff still's only the 2 of us!

The Hammersley teacup is a 1970s version of the Moss Rose pattern that Hammersley calls Grandmother's Rose in this incarnation. One of the oldest patterns, and most popular, in history, and made by dozens of different potteries with slight variations since the late 1700s.

Hammersley made such lovely china! Hammersley operated as Hammersley, although Aynsley owned it from the 1940s...another story...but it closed in the mass potteries extinction of the 1990s....sigh....

Having a teabag today of the Fairmont Breakfast blend...which I pick up whenever I am close to a Fairmont...usually the Fairmont Empress in Victoria, BC Canada, because I love the flavor....

And here are my cute little Walker's Shortbread mini Scotties...aren't they cute?

Other than that...everything around here is gearing up for our annual Sequim Lavender Farm Fair this weekend...we have 30 farms in a 10 mile radius. You'd better like lavender and the color purple! Everything that can be colored, flavored or adorned with Lavender is here this week! The bush above is ours, and this is the civic plaza in town...

We are having tea on Friday at the Washington Lavender Farm at the George Washington Inn B&B so will be reporting on that for Tuesday Cuppa Tea next week.
I am joining:

Thanks so much for joining me for tea!  Here is the linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there! And I love to read your comments, and I do read every one if I can find and can get to you to visit!  If you comment from Google+…it isn’t forgive me if I am not replying to comments you so kindly leave...I am trying!


  1. One of these years I am going to get over for the Lavender Festival in Sequim. It sounds beautiful!

  2. Good morning, Ruth! Isn't the Grandmother's Rose pattern a sweet one? The tea from the Fairmont must be wonderful. Also, you teapot that you found in your previous post is such a treasure.
    Hope you and your hubby have a great time at the lavender festival, and I look forward to your pictures next week. Thanks for hosting, Ruth.

  3. The lavender festival must be amazing! I love the Grandmother's Rose. It is such a sweet shape. I saw some of those Scottish dog cookies and almost bought them. If I find them again when I go back to that store, I will bring a bag home. My granddaughter will love them when I have our tea party. I am featuring your post from last week at No Place Like Home this week. Thanks for sharing and have a beautiful day, Ruth.


  4. Dear Ruth:
    Sometimes when I see a cup and saucer I recall that I have seen it before and yes - this is one I saw somewhere recently! Lovely! I love those little Scottie shortbreads. Delicious! Thanks for sharing and linking.

  5. Wow! Look at those lavenders! Gorgeous! I can just imagine the smell from here. I also love your Hammersley cup and the Scottie shortbread. Yum!,....Christine

  6. Your Scottie shortbreads are almost too cute to eat! Wished that I live closer so that I can attend the lavender festival. Can't wait to see the photos next week! Thank you for hosting and have fun at the festival!

  7. Hi Ruth: Hope you and hubby are doing well. Love this tea cup. Your lavender plant is amazing. Always enjoy your posts. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  8. Hello Ruth,
    You have been quite busy! I hope you and your hubby get a good rest to catch up.
    Your Hammersley tea cup is very sweet. I had not seen their version of the Moss Rose pattern before.
    Thank you for hosting your party!

  9. Hello live in such a pretty place, I'm sure you have lots of company! Love your beautiful cup and saucer. Your tea looks yummy too. I am going to try to start linking up with you each week. Sometimes, life gets so busy, but I am taking my blogging more seriously this year. Love your much knowledge that I will never acquire.

  10. Ruth, I certainly understand that you have not been able to bake with company and such. Your personal bus is exquisite. I can almost smell its scent. I hope to pick lavender next week. Kindest regards, Jill

  11. Ruth, I'm sure you'll recognize the Walker's shortbread in my link photo! I almost bought the Scotty dogs, but for some reason settled on the fingers. Would love to be at the lavender fair!

  12. I've been saying for years that I would get to the lavender festival ... still working on it! Fun post!

  13. Those scottie dog cookies are so cute! Thanks for hosting!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)