
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Port Townsend Victorian Heritage Days, Haviland Limoges Teacup

Hello and welcome to the first Tuesday Cuppa Tea of spring! I hope there are some signs of it where you are...

My teacup today is a Victorian era Limoges, France teacup...chosen in honor of the Victorian Heritage weekend...and the afternoon tea at The Consulate Inn...more about that later...

This wonderful teacup is the lovely eggshell porcelain I love about the best French Limoges manufacturers. The teacup and saucer was made in the 1870s by Haviland, GDA or Gerard, Dufraissiex and Abbot, France...I don't know the name of the pattern, but it is gorgeous! Haviland  in Limoges, France was established in the 1850s and was definitely the premier manufacturer of the Limoges region...

This close up shows the heavy burnished trim...actually 22 kt gold, the pretty rose sway design and the gold overlay borders. I have this in both regular and breakfast size.

The circular mark has the initials C. H. Field Haviland , for the son of the Haviland founder David Haviland. An incredible mid Victorian beauty!

For more info on the teacup at Antiques And Teacups click on the photos.

This week end was the annual Port Townsend, WA Victorian Heritage Festival. Port Townsend is about 30 miles from us and a favorite day out destination for us, and calls itself the Victorian Seaport Village as it is on Puget Sound. We went yesterday and had lunch at a seaside restaurant, walked around and generally just enjoyed the ambiance of this Victorian Heritage city with roots in the Gold Rush and lumber industry and then enjoyed afternoon tea at one of the Victorian era bed and breakfasts in town. 

Our local couple who live the Victorian era year round: This is from a newspaper article a couple of years ago that was featured in our local Peninsula Daily News about a couple who lecture on Victorian clothing...but they wear them all the time! Here is the link to the article:

A perfect fit for Victorian lovers

The festival featured all sorts of lectures, a Steampunk Ball, Victorian Pub Crawl with "Shanghai Tunnels" (???),  Insider Historic Building Tours, lectures on the city's maritime heritage, fashion shows and afternoon teas at several of the bed and breakfasts around town, crafts, historical walking tours and all manner of things that celebrate the town's Victorian heritage. 

Here was the schedule for Friday:

For Saturday:

General Admission includes all lectures plus admission to the Exhibition Hall.Shaded items below are not part of the general pass.
Cotton BuildingLegion HallOther Locales
10:00Director's Manly WelcomeExpo Hall opensSteamboat Exhibit:
Point Hudson

(all day - Marina)
11:00Strait History:
Joanne Pickering
12:00Sextant & Celestial Navigation:
Tom Weiner
Victorian Bicycles:
Jack Stebben
1:00Rigging & Lightering:
Brion Toss
Military Cutlass Class:
Embassy Arms
1pm Victorian Tea
Reservations Required
2:00Toot Sweet:
Clarinet Quartet
3:00Victorian Corsets:
Shape of the 19th C:
Cherries Jubilee
3pm Victorian Tea
Reservations Required
4:00Cancelled - Sorry
Gatling Gun

Fashion Show
First Presbyterian Church
7:00Victorian Ball - Legion Hall
9:00Contra Dance - Legion Hall

And for Sunday:

Yeah, too bad...the Gatling Gun demonstration was cancelled...but the teas weren't!

We attended a Victorian Afternoon Tea, as it was billed at the Consulate Inn. 

You were assigned to one of several that participated in the tea event when you purchased your ticket. We were assigned to The Old Consulate Inn and had 12 at the dining room table and had a 4 course meal with tea.

Some of the ladies came in costume from different eras. We had sisters in 1850s bustle outfits, a woman in an 1890s outfit and 2 ladies in 1910 dress. I had a long dress with a lace collar/jabot and antique painted brooch...not exactly period, but... So here are some of the photos from the tea.

The table was set with a complete Limoges set for 12 including bone dishes...crescent side plates....the first course above was baked apple with brandies raisins and pecans...we were all so busy talking, I forgot to take photos of the sandwich course...rats! They were...
Seafood Salad in Puff Pastry
Cream Cheese And Olive on White Bread
Cucumber, Sprouts and Dill on Wheat Bread

Only remembered half way through the scones, cream and jam....

The sweet course....English toffee, lemon glazed cakes and shortbread...
We had a wonderful time and left stuffed!!!!  My DH didn't mind that he was the only male with 11 ladies...and he is certainly capable of holding his own. And as soon as he opens his mouth and the British accent is evident...well!

Some of the lovely furnishings...

Damask wall paper, Limoges game plates and original to the hoouse German hand painted Piano Babies...and the piece d' resistance to me...the parlor chandelier...of Venetian glass...used to be gas but was converted in the 1920s...ordered especially apparently, to coordinate with the original grape patterned stained glass parlor window...gorgeous!

Below is the list of some of the blog parties I will be part of and there is the linky for your tea related posts...please remember that it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWWW but if you are's there! And I love to read your comments, and can find you to visit!


  1. What a gorgeous teacup! I aspire to own a Limoges tea set one day...

    The Victorian Festival, particularly the tea event, looks so much fun! As much as I love Victorian decor, I don't think I can endure wearing those corsets!

  2. Hi Ruth! Wow, what a delight, I would have loved that! Everything is just so beautiful, especially that grape chandelier! Thanks for sharing your time with us in photos.
    Have a great week,

  3. I love it when everyone dresses up Victorian style! It looks like ya'll had a lot of fun.

  4. Hi Ruth,
    Your limoges teacup is gorgeous. So dainty with beautiful pretty pink roses and blue ribbon. I love the thick gold gilt trim. I have been to Port Townsend and really enjoyed it! You must have had a lovely time seeing those elegant Victorian dresses and furniture. The Limoges china and treats looked amazing too. Happy Tea Day! Karen

  5. Beautiful teacup and those homes and ladies just gorgeous! I would have loved to be at that Tea!

  6. Beautiful teacup! I bet the Victorian Festival is a lot of fun (and work). Your posts are always so interesting. Happy Tea Day and thanks for hosting!

  7. That is a stuffing tea cup!! And what fun you must have had at the tea party!

  8. Oh my, Ruth, your teacup is fabulous! I love the gold, roses, and ribbon! What an outing you have had. So much to see and enjoy. Love those piano babies and yes, the chandelier is spectacular! Thanks for sharing and hosting your wonderful tea.


  9. Hi Ruth, I am so sorry .....I took a photo of the bottom of the cup and failed to get it in my post! Yes, it is a Limoges! I came back and added my post on how to make a tea cup wreath....hope you don't mind! hugs....

  10. Sorry to have missed this event this year. I love the fashion show and seeing our ATAA member, Val, in the show and for tea. Also love Haviland china and this is a beauty.

  11. Your Limoges is just stunning. Only you could find such beauties. Love all the fun places and tea houses you have shared with us. Blessings, Martha

  12. Ruth the teacup is gorgeous....and what fun you had at the Victorian Heritage Festival. I adore Victorian homes and decor.

  13. What a gorgeous Limoges teacup, Ruth! It looks like the Victorian festival was so much fun. The tearoom would be my favorite part! Thank you for hosting your lovely party.

  14. I was drooling over this whole post -- how much fun!! Would have loved to get all gussied up for such a lovely event! Yes, that chandelier is gorgeous.
    Lovely Limoges teacup, too.

  15. What a wonderful Victorian event to attend Ruth. I loved the tea of course and the menu served.
    Thank you for linking your outing and gorgeous Limoges teacup to Mosaic Monday.

  16. This was certainly a fun time and delicious food. So glad you shared this special occasion!

  17. How very fun to live in such an area as you do, and be able to participate!!!

  18. Wow, Ruth, all those events look like so much fun! And tea with people in Victorian clothes--how fun! And all those beautiful Victorian homes. I would love to attend a steampunk ball. Gorgeous teacup too, by the way :)

  19. What a beautiful Limoges teacup! That swag design with the roses is so pretty and elegant. And oh, what fun it must have been to participate in the Victorian Heritage Festival. Sounds like just my cup of you-know-what!

  20. It was fun to view the photos from the Port Townsend Victorian Heritage Tea. What a beautiful home! Thank you for sharing the event with us. Your Limoges teacup is gorgeous.

  21. Beautiful teacup Ruth! That looks like a wonderful spot to visit!

  22. Your teacup is beautiful, Ruth. Love the costumes too.

  23. Your name always reminds me of beautfully kind aunts I once had,,, and still cherish. Looking forward to all of 2015 and our sharing a cup o tea!

  24. The teacups is beautiful. I loved your post. Loved seeing the old buildings...,my favorite time in history.

  25. Oh Ruth, I may have swooned when I saw that tea cup... it's stunning!

    The ladies looked lovely in their Victorian attire. How I wish we still dressed that way :) Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Your posts are always a delight! Hugs!

  26. Oh I enjoyed seeing the ladies costumes

  27. Ruth, how I wish I could've been there! Always up for afternoon tea, and I would love to meet the couple who dress Victorian all the time.

  28. Greetings from hot southern California. I love our blog. I'm originally from Gig Harbor so I know Port Townsend well. It's such a lovely city with so much history. I loved seeing your photos and reading about this beautiful Victorian event. And, Tinker is adorable :)

  29. You have so many lovely teacups Ruth! The festival sounds like such a fun event to attend. Would love that seafood in the puff pastry! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  30. I enjoyed this post so very much. Thanks for sharing the amazing photos of your pretty tea cup and the Victorian table setting and clothing. The homes/architecture are so beautiful.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)