
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, US Zone Teacups, Anniversary Coventry Blitz

Hello on a crisp, November day! Today started out at 25 and warmed to a scorching 44...them warmest we have been for several days, but the birdbath is still frozrn solid and the finches were ice skating today trying to find water to drink...BBbrrrrrr! Cold for here, but colder still to the east of us!

Welcome to Tuesday Cuppa Tea...with Veteran's Day just passed, and another war related anniversary...that I will share later in the post... just a few days ago, I have chosen to share some teacups and saucers from the immediate post World War II period in Germany called the Partition. After the war ended and plans were put into place to help Germany rebuild, the country was divided under the leadership of the Allies. The map below, from Google shows the zones...the Allied Occupation or Partition lasted from 1945-1952.

In the US Zone, which included Bavaria where many famous German porcelain potteries had been located, one of the first thing focused on was reopening the potteries to provide jobs and begin again bringing income into the country. And this is where my teacups for this week come from.

This is  demitasse cup and saucer from the Schwarzenhammer, Bavaria Germany pottery in the Black Forest near Munich. The pottery was a small one and was started in 1905 and closed in 1986, so the rebuilding under the Allied Occupation obviously re-established the business...

The mark clearly has U.S. Zone printed on the mark, dating it to 1945-1952. I LOVE the green stripes and gold overlay!

    The teacup above is another from the US Zone, another demitasse cup and saucer which were very popular in Europe for elegant after dinner tea or coffee, was made by Bayreuther, another Bavarian pottery. Bayreuth is actually a town in Bavaria where many German potteries were located, so the name is taken from the town. Not much more is know about this small pottery, or what it's commercial fate was after the Occupation.

    This cup and saucer, also from the Occupation Zone is marked for Porzellan Imperial, Bavaria. On further research I found that this was a trade mark that the aforementioned Schwarzenhammer pottery used at a different pottery, so I assume that it closed in 1986 as well.

    I always thought that this teacup looked like the embroidered ribbon on a Bavarian dirndl...the teacup and saucer is by the Royal Bayreuth, Bavaria pottery, one of the most famous from the area.  Royal Bayreuth from the town of Bayreuth Germany was founded in 1713 and had a long history with lots of different trade names. This incarnation was the 

    Erste Bayreuther Porzellanfabrik Walküre Siegmund Paul Meyer

    you can see why I copied it....which after restoring operations under the Occupation after the war with 60 of their pre war 400 employees, by 2008 had become one of the most prestigious manufacturers of hotel china in Europe...truly a Phoenix like success story.

    This is my last example...another success story. Tirschenreuth began in the Bayreuth region also, in 1838. It was acquired by Hunschenreuth Selb in 1926. The Occupation restored several potteries under the Selb leadership, and Tirschenreuth is the pottery this gorgeous teacup is from. LOVE all the gold! Tirschenreuth was forced to close due to financial problems in 1994.  Therewere many more Occupation potteries established as well, but these are the ones I had examples for. The first 2 teacups are available at Antiques And Teacups, and the others are from my archives. All photos are mine.

    November 14, 1940 the skies rained down bombs on Coventry, England, a large industrial city just north east of Birmingham in what is called the Coventry Blitz. The Germans claimed the intense bombing was in retaliation for the bombing of Munich...which followed the London Blitz. The photos here are from the Cabinet War Room archives, Above is Winston Churchill visiting the ruins of the 14th century Coventry Cathedral....

    The bombing was something that was important to both my husband's and my very close to Coventry. I wasn't born, but my husband was a mall babe in arms and remembers stories from his family....

    A horrible day during World War II for the family of my husband, living in Birmingham, England 20 miles away. Along with his younger sister, he was not evacuated to Wales for safety with his 2 older sisters. His oldest brother was serving in the war in the Coldstream Guards of the Queen's Brigade of Guards, where my husband was to serve his army service later in peace time.

    The bombing was remembered as horrific and John often wonders how his parents coped with the terrors of war  and just trying to feed the family between times spent in the bomb shelter at the end of the garden.  Coventry was a strategic site for the bombers because of it's heavy industrial plants and rail interchanges. Over 1200 people were killed and most of the city was destroyed. John's father and brother who was on a short leave had walked to the bridge over the railroad bridge close to their home and watched the planes dropping their payloads and the subsequent explosions and fireballs.

    As they stood there watching, John's father Sam thought he heard Annie, his wife, calling him so they left the railroad bridge and started quickly home. A few minutes later the railroad bridge went up in an explosion as it, too was bombed. Annie hadn't called, but if they had stayed they would have gone up in the explosion... 

    The ruins were not taken down, but preserved as a monument. The cathedral was rebuilt around and beside the ruins. A moving tribute to England, and it's people.  Not a cheerful post, I guess, but this is the season of thankfulness and remembrance. For an account of the bombing from the BBC, click HERE

    Please scroll down...Blogger is glitching, and the linky for posts and comments is WWAAAAAYYYY down there...there shouldn't be all the extra old post links...don't know why it's doing apologies...

    Thanks for joining me. 

    Below are some of the blog parties I am joining...

     Friends Sharing Tea

    and the Linky for you to link your tea related posts....Remember it is SSLLLOOOOOOW, so be patient!    I promise something cheerier next week! I appreciate your comments and love to visit your wonderful blogs! Have a wonderful week!


    1. That is some amazing history. I found the photos sobering. We have long forgotten how this freedom came to us. I have never seen the US Zone backstamps and they are very interesting!

    2. Oh Ruth this is an amazing post. My husband and I were both war babies and we read a lot of war history..
      I loved reading about the potteries started again in the US Zone of Berlin.
      The floral Bayreuther tea cup and saucer is very sweet.
      That's a famous photo of Churchill at Coventry Cathedral ruins.
      Last time we were in the London we visited the Churchill War Rooms underground - it was fascinating, as was the Imperial War Museum.
      Thank you for your most informative post and the beautiful Bavarian china.

    3. Divine intervention for John's family, indeed! Giving thanks for our freedom.

    4. Thank you, Ruth, for all the history that you share with us. It's so sad that those wonderful potteries had to close because of financial reasons. Lucky for you that you have such pretty teacups from the area. The second and the fourth are my favorites. Isn't that something how John's father heard Annie call, but she hadn't? Thank goodness that he "heard" it!

    5. What an interesting post, Ruth! So much history and very sobering photos of those days of war. Your teacups are beautiful. My favourites are the second and last ones. How providential that John's father heard Annie calling! I am always amazed at how God protects His people. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day.


    6. Beautiful! I also have a lovely and complete teaset for 8, like yours, Bavaria-Germany, US Zone as well I love. Thanks for the history which I didn't know, except that yes, it came from the occupied Germany back in the late 40's.
      I just saw a documentary on cable last night of WWII on the History Channel. I never cease to be amazed! Thank you for sharing and for hosting.
      Have a blessed week, dear Ruth.

    7. This is a very interesting post. The German teacups are all so beautiful and their history is so interesting as well. What an incredible story of your husband's father and brother being spared the bombing! A miracle indeed. I'm going to check out your link. Thanks for sharing. Blessings. Pam

    8. Hi Ruth,
      You always teach me so much! I love all of the elegant Bavarian teacups but my favourite is the pale blue with the pink roses and greenery. They are all such amazing collectibles! Thank you for hosting Tuesday Cuppa Tea! Karen

    9. Ruth, This is a fascinating post with the WWII info. So hard to imagine how the families lived around this and stayed sane. Thank you for sharing this!

    10. Hi Ruth: Your post was so educational. Love it each time I visit, I learn something new. Your tea cups are amazing. What a wonderful collection you have. Blessings, Marhta

    11. Such an interesting post. I've never seen china with US Zone marked on it. And what a blessing your father-in-law "heard" that voice.

    12. Thank you for sharing your knowledge about the zones. I knew about the U.S. zone, but did not understand it. Now I do. The war was a horrible thing for England and affected so many lives. Thanks for hosting Tuesday Cuppa Tea.

    13. A lot of history on the war and teacups this week, as always something to learn and think about.
      Thanks for hosting us ladies.

    14. One thing I have been very happy about is how much I learn from Teacup Tuesdays. The history of china, tea-cups, how people celebrate tea and holidays...the whole gamut of all the tea blogs I read, has been a true learning experience. Your blog adds even more dimensions to what I already appreciate about this now Tuesday habit of mine.

      So many thoughts went through my mind as I read this. First, the worry and fear your husband's mother must have felt every time she held your husband, her baby. Would he perish along with her during the bombings ? Or die of some health issue as a result of their living situation ? So mush darkness, dismay, and probably depression. Isn't it amazing to see how the human spirit perseveres, and yes, good conquers evil ? Our world needs people like your husband's family, like the leaders in England during the wars, especially in these ever-distressing times.

      Your teacups are a gateway to the history that has changed us all. Thank-you !

    15. My oh my your posts are so interesting. I read it twice. Well done, ma'am, and thank you for all this wonderful info - and for hosting. My maternal grandmother moved from England to the states when the war started. Her elder siblings stayed. I remember very young when they visited and I was able to listen to the old tales of this war, Yes, we do have much to be grateful for, indeed.

    16. Do not fret over the linkup. We are all just having fun. Even with such a heartfelt blog post we are still thankful that we are free and able to have this pleasant time and lovely things. Thank you for sharing such great information about the post war German potteries. I have been trying to piece information together here and there, and you really tied it all together for me. Thank you for sharing your family's story. When you think about it, it was just like guys to have to go look. Really?! You did not see the womenfolk doing anything that silly. Praise God they went home. Thanksgiving is not just for one day!

    17. This was fascinating, Ruth! I'm so glad they kept the walls of that beautiful old cathedral as a monument. Also, I loved learning about those backstamps that said "U.S. Zone" — never knew about this at all! You are just a treasure trove of information regarding both teawares and history, and we're so lucky you are so willing to share!

    18. Great post as always. Thank you for hosting. I always look forward to your post and party although my 'offering' is an after dinner mint to your hearty entree! Angels to you.

    19. Hi Ruth! Thanks for sharing all the interesting information about German china. It made for a very interesting read. I haven't seen a U.S. zone backstamp yet--now I'll be on the lookout. Have a great week!

    20. OMG What a fabulous display... I'm so very fond of Bavarian china... and love that first teaset...I had just settled in to war the ' Gathering Storm" /Winston Churchill for the 6th time with my mother... Each time gleaning more about the war....She 's a bit of a history buff... Your post was so very informative and enlightening ..Thanks for sharing all those beautiful cups and saucers... Hugs

    21. Thank you so much for your research on the Coventry bombings. Very insightful. I love the tea cups. I'm really fascinated by elegant tea cups that have the design on the inside, so that it can be enjoyed by the tea drinker as it's slowly revealed.

    22. Oh you are just so full of the most interesting things to share with us Ruth. I really enjoyed and learned so much from this post. Thanks! Beautiful pix.

    23. Ahhh, Ruth! I LOVE all the wonderful history you share. The occupation in Germany teacups are beautiful and an artistic reminder of both a tragic time of war, and the restoration of a culture of beauty. The story of your husband's family and the Coventry bombing had my eyes welling up. I often look at pictures and see the glories of history standing and then to know how they were so cruelly destroyed! I love how the English preserve their past. However, I do hurt for how many of the marks of Christian history remaining are slowly being overrun. How we need to listen to the lessons history teaches. At least, in England, they still make an effort to preserve these wonderful works. In America we knock things down after a scant 50 years - the hoops history lovers have to go through to save and repurpose historic buildings and landmarks! Rant over . . . I need tea.
      Blessings to you this Thanksgiving week!

    24. Ruth, you have so many beautiful teacups! I really enjoyed this history. Really makes you pause and be so very thankful! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    25. Fascinating post, beautiful teacups.


    Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)