
Monday, August 18, 2014

Tuesday Cuppa Tea - Shelley Summer Glory

Hello and welcome to Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques And Teacups. It has been summer here...beautiful temperatures, and lots of fun things happening.

Because of the summer seeming to have gone so quickly to this point, I am choosing for my teacup today a favorite manufacturer of mine...Shelley China, England, and an aptly named pattern called Summer Glory Chintz...

This gorgeus chintz pattern is debated as to whether it depicts hydrangeas or lilacs, but either way it speaks of summer's fullness...

This particular version is on the Ripon shape with burnished 24 carat gold trim and has the pattern number 13381 which indicates it was made between 1940 and 1944...

Shelley kept great pattern books with fairly complete numbers and descriptions...the pattern, Summer Glory also was made in different colorways from this pink one...there was a yellow version as well and the shapes were are some photos of other versions from current stock or my archives so you can see what they can be like...

The first is on a Low Oleander shape and the bottom is on a Cambridge shape. You notice that there is no trim on the bottom one...that varied as well...what type or color trim was sometimes let up to the decorators so there are many versions and variations...

I have a wonderful out of print called Shelley Chintz by Kelly L. Moran published in 1999...

That I found  that is a fabulous source of information if you can find are her pages on Summer Glory Chintz...

You can see the examples on different shapes. The book also gives an example of the actual design application piece superimposed on on what the design looks like when fired. The example is in Maytime Chintz, not summer glory, but you will get the idea...

So there you have my teacup and some information about Shelley China. For those of you who don't know, the pottery closed in 1966 and has been greatly missed by thousands of collectors!

I was absent 2 weeks ago for a mini family reunion with our son and wife and 24 year old grandson and daughter and husband and 19 year old grandson. I don't have my photos downloaded and organized yet...just finished the laundry a few days ago!...but here are a couple from my son's iphone he sent us...

This is our son, the fishing fanatic, with a 30 inch salmon in Skagway. He and the two boys took a day of salmon fishing and had a great time...and no rain!

The boy on the left is our daughter's 19 year old...and the right is our son's 24 year old...

And this is the group at Craigdarroch Castle in Victoria, BC Canada where we were for a day. They rented mopeds and buzzed all over...needless to say, the 2 of us old wrinklies didn't go with them! Craigdarroch was built in the 1890s by the lumber baron Dunsmuir family. So...a great time with the family!

Thanks for joining me! Here is the linky for Tuesday Cuppa Tea to link your teacup and tea related posts...please remember it is SSSLLLOOOOOOWWW but it does appear! I love to hear from you. Hope you continue to enjoy what's left of your summer!


  1. Hi Ruth,
    I hope you don't mind but I haven't featured a pretty teacup this week. It was just a little fun that pleased my family. Your Shelley's are gorgeous and I just love all Chintz patterns! You have such a beautiful family. Next week I promise to share
    a dainty china teacup. Thank you for hosting Tuesday Cuppa Tea! Have a wonderful week! Karen

  2. You have the prettiest teacups, Ruth! I haven't shared a teacup, either, but rather a insulated glass that my late beloved hubby used for his tea. Thank you for hosting for party.

  3. I love the Shelley teacups. So feminine and gorgeous. So interesting about china, and learning all the history. Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation.

  4. Dear Ruth,
    Shelley is my favorite too. So dainty and fine. And Chintz? Be still my heart.
    Have a lovely week, Ruthie

  5. These teacups are all lovely Ruth and Shelley does make some pretty chintz patterns.

  6. Ruth--you always have the prettiest Shelley sets! Thanks for showing the different styles of Summer Glory! I'm going to say their beautiful hydrangeas. It looks like you had a wonderful visit with your family! I hope you have a great week :).

  7. You have so many beautiful tea cups Ruth!
    The Shelley chintz cups are so elegant.
    I can imagination they must have been used at some lovely afternoon tea parties over the last seventy years. They could probably tell us a story or two!

    Thank you for hosting Ruth
    I'm enjoying being at your tea party again - it's been a while!
    I haven't got many cups of my own, but I'm always on the lookout!

  8. Thank you show much for showing the different ways the chintz pattern was used. It is wonderful that Shelly kept such detailed records, truly wonderful. I am surprised. It would never occurred to me that England would have still been producing such delicacies from 1940-44. This is such a wonderful post. Thank you!

  9. Hi Ruth: Shelly are amazing. You have so many of them. You are one lucky lady and your son is quite handsome. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  10. What lovely tea cups! That book is a wonderful resource. I didn't know they closed the year I was born! What a collection you have. Thanks for sharing your love and knowledge!

  11. That chintzware is just beautiful! Thanks for hosting!

  12. Chintz teacups are some of my all-time favorites, and it's fun to learn about the different patterns and prints. Also enjoyed hearing about your family visit -- sounds fun, and I would have enjoyed eating some of that salmon they caught!

  13. Oh my those are lovely cups and saucers and such a helpful book!

  14. Absolutely gorgeous tea cups and saucers!

  15. These teacups are absolutely exquisite - your family trip looks marvelous - my husband's family will have their reunion this weekend! I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  16. Love your Shelly teacup and the information so interesting! I don't own any of the teacups, but enjoy their beauty. My youngest grandson loves fishing, too! Thank you for hosting and have a great rest of the week!
    Blessings, Nancy


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)