
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January Hot Tea Month, Mind The Gap for London Transport's Birthday

Here I am celebrating January Hot Tea Month in the way I know best...a cuppa in my Royal Doulton Rosebud china with my favorite Darjeeling tea from Twinings. Tea has just been announced as one of the top 10 food trends for 2014...what else? We knew that already, didn't we???

I love this photo from an ad for heart shaped sugar cubes, but I take mine without cream or milk....what is called about you?

January 10th is the birthday or anniversary of the London Transport System, which came into being in 1863. 

Last year was it's big birthday, but I love the system, so here are some photos I have of it from visits...

A favorite museum in London is the London Transport Museum by Covent Garden which chronicles the history of the system...

You can even rent the museum for private parties...for more info about the museum and a video about the museum visit The London Transport Museum

This week the Daily Mail Online did a fun article about all of the lost property on the Underground, trains and buses...over 220,000 items are left on the trains each year....

These envelopes are filled with keys, phones and other documents....but the most intriguing is....

I wouldn't you think folks would have noticed leaving these?????

Anyway, for more info and photos. go to the Daily Mail Online article by clicking HERE

And for those of you snowed in or experience the "Artic Vortex", that's my suggestion for you! Please visit the blogs below...and have a cuppa!

What’s It Wednesday                                           
Home On Wednesday
 Coloradolady  ~
Vintage Thingie Thursday
 Mrs. Olson ~
Share Your Cup Thursday
Tea Time Thursday
Pink Saturday


  1. You shared so many interesting things from places I will never see in person. Thanks and I enjoyed your post.

  2. I, too, enjoyed this post very interesting.
    Here from Colorado Lady. :)

  3. Thanks for sharing this interesting event. Wonderful photos but, those false teeth?? How strange is that!? I like the "Stay in and drink tea" sign. We've been doing a lot of that lately but today I'm off to town for some shopping. It's been 3 weeks since I've been to the mall!! :) Have a great day. Pamela

  4. For some it's a trend, and for some it's a way of life!

  5. I take my tea with one lump, and milk please. Brown sugar cubes grace my bowl for I find them nicer tasting in tea and coffee.
    Unbelievable the amount of stuff left behind, and as for the teeth - maybe from drunks that didn't miss them 'till morning? :-)

  6. I have fond memories of riding the underground way back when I was 14 and we lived outside of London for 6 months when my father was working there. It was so much fun for me, as an American girl, to ride the tube to school every day.

  7. It depends on what tea I'm drinking but usually I drink mine clear. I had a dentist appointment this afternoon that went good....but I still felt comfort coming home and making myself a cup of tea in my new cup. (I actually had another cup with dinner) Enjoy your evening! Stay warm!

  8. Your Rosebud china is stunning, Ruth! I take my tea either straight, or will add milk, or milk and sugar - it depends upon the type of tea. I enjoyed your post, Ruth. Hope 2014 is a great year for you.

  9. Those are expensive teeth to leave behind! How funny or rather not so funny for the ones that did!

  10. very interesting! You shared a lovely tea cup, but I loved seeing all the things left behind...even the teeth! Happy VTT!

  11. What a sweet teacup, your Rosebud! The heart shaped sugar is such a pretty presentation however I always take my tea black. My coffee as well. A very informative post, Ruth. Thank you for sharing at my HOME and have a lovely weekend.


  12. Hi Ruth!
    I take most teas with milk and sweetener, depending on the flavor. I do love your pretty rosebud teacup. Thanks for all the history and pictures that you shared with us. happy weekend!

  13. Oh my gosh Ruth, the teeth are too funny! I loved all of the photos and the amount of lost items is mind boggling. Enjoy your cuppa in your pretty rosebud teacup!
    Thanks for sharing with SYC.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)