
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Go Seahawks, Tuesday Cuppa Tea,Art Deco Teacup Trio, Smiley's Birthday

Okay, okay, this is not a sports blog....but the Seattle Seahawks won Saturday and are in the division playoffs on Jan 19th against their West Cast rivals the 49ers on Jan. 19th.  This is the Seattle Space Needle just before yesterday's game with the 12th Man flag up. Unfortunately, we had such a strong storm blow through that 30-40,000 folks in the local area were without power. The Seattle Library moved a huge screen in and opened it's doors so those without power could come watch the game.   Just saying....

Okay...back to our regular programming! Happy Tuesday Cuppa Tea! Been a big soggy here, and VERY cold in many of your "there"s. Warming cups of tea will have been in great demand!

PG Tips and an apricot scone were consumed while keeping my honey company during the game yesterday...Moving right along, my teacup today is a 1930s art deco favorite of mine in a hand colored on transfer landscape pattern by Melba, England.

Melba China Company, Ltd had a short life from 1948 to 1951, but produced fabulous art deco inspired bone china designs. The short life was due to the fact that their main artists were recruited from other potteries and the artists, although excellent at the hand colored on transfer designs the art deco favored, didn't seem to be able to adapt to the new designs and modernism coming into prominence at this time.

Sadly, they began in hope and exuberance in a struggling post World War II Britain, but the GBP, or Great British Public, wanted something new and modern and they couldn't adapt.  A great shame. 

So Melba pieces are especially appreciated by me.... I love this landscape design with the bright color accents against the grey transfer.'ve seen this EVERYWHERE....the Smiley face! you know it's history? Where it came from and when?????

In January 1964, commercial artist Harry Ball came up with the ubiquitous Smiley in Worcester, Massachusetts to head up a morale boost campaign for Worcester's State Mutual Life Insurance....

Here's the back of an original smiley button. Since then there has been Smileys on everything, Smiley variations as emoticons, a National Smiley Day, a postage stamp in 1999 and more. You can visit the following link to the News Online article with more photos besides these and info where you can visit the Worcester Museum's exhibit in honor of the little guy....
For the article and more info, click HERE

Okay, enough of this frivolity...I have a cuppa and a snack for tea today, because I found a package of my favorites....Jaffa Cakes!

If you aren't familiar with this English teatime treat, they are a plain biscuit or cookie with a lovely orange jelly center covered with a layer of dark chocolate. They are lovely! Orange is one of the only flavors I like with chocolate...the rest ruin it! But then, if I am going to have something I'm allergic to and use some of the antihistamines I live with it had better be worth the antihistamine! Lol!

 I also need a few more followers on Networked Blogs on the upper right sidebar so I can claim my blog back after the blog scraping incident last spring, and thank you so much to those who have helped me!!!!

The linky is below, and I'd be honored if you linked your tea related post. Also, a list of some of the blogs I am joining. Thanks so much for joining me for Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

Monday Marketplace
Teacup Tuesday
Teatime Tuesday
Tea With Celia
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness
Tea On Tuesday
Miss Kathy ~
Tuesday Tea       
Tea On Tuesday
Time For Tea
Tuesday Tea Time
Tea On Tuesday
Bernideen’s ~
Tea In The Garden Tuesday
Lavender Cottage  Tea Time
Tea In Texas
Playing With My Camera Teatime           
Tuesday Blog Shop

Poetry In A Pot Of Tea


  1. I saw some of the game with my hubby yesterday. I love your Melba teacup! Isn't it a pity they only produced for such a short time. I love anything with a landscape or village motif. Yours is lovely and thank you for sharing and hosting. Those Jaffa cakes look wonderful too. Chocolate and orange; yum!


  2. I think I lost my comment so here I go again. Love your Melba teacup. I love anything with a landscape or village motif on it. Those Jaffa cakes look wonderful and chocolate and orange is a favourite combo. Thank you hosting and sharing at Tea Time. Enjoy your day, Ruth.


  3. Your blue and white tea mug is really pretty. I like the Melba set very much. And, the Jaffa Cakes look so yummy. I also like chocolate and orange together like the Terry's Chocolate Orange balls at Christmas. :) (and that's my version of the smiley face at the end - it's everywhere!)

  4. I love art deco and your Melba cup is a beauty ... love the landscape. I was in front of the tv with popcorn cheering on the Seahawks ... was even wearing my Seahawk sweat shirt! Happy Tea Day! Thanks for hosting.

  5. I love this Melba Set. Haven't seen it before I don't think. I shall be looking for the Melba mark in future.

  6. I really like the blue and white mug you had tea in while watching the game. The Melba china trio is happy looking and the yellow streak makes me think of following the yellow brick road. The Jaffa cakes look delicious, I'm sure I've had them but will keep an eye out for a package.

  7. Dearest Ruth, thank you for hosting. Your trio is beautiful and the sunny design is a reminder of warmer weather to come. The Jaffa cakes looks yummy... wishing you a happy week..xo C. (HHL)

  8. Hi Ruth,
    My family are great fans of all sports (having two sons)... so I do appreciate hearing about your local sports successes. That is great news about the Seahawks!! I do like your Melba trio today. I haven't seen it before. It reminds me a little of the Woodland Shelley teacup that I just found but it was missing the saucer. Lol. Thank you for hosting Tuesday Cuppa Tea! Hope the Seahawks win against San Fran this weekend! Take care,

  9. I love your bone china, such pretty colors and pattern. Thanks for hosting, Ruth...Christine

  10. I think you are certainly entitled to cheer on your team, even in tea blog land! Love the story about the library showing the game -- very nice of them! Thanks for enlightening me about a new name in china (Melba) and a new name in chocolate (Jaffa) -- those cookies sound yummy!

  11. Love this tea cup. You have amazing china dear lady. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  12. This is my first time joining your tuesday cuppa tea party. I hope it's okay because it's about hot chocolate -- but it's served in tea cups!! I have loved finding your blog and all the interesting info you provide, as well as beautiful tea cups. Those Jaffa cakes look wonderful.

  13. Your Art Deco Melba trio is beautiful. I enjoyed learning about a pottery I was unfamiliar with. Your blog posts are always so enlightening.

  14. I'm visiting via Yonks - and so happy to have found your blog - tea, tea cups make me happy! We have a lovely English Sweet Shop here in Victoria that sells all the bits and bites that make our British ex-pat friends happy. I'm sure they have Jaffa Cakes as well.

  15. I would have thought Forest Gump came up with the Smiley! So glad you told the story. Very interesting! Thanks for hosting!

  16. Now I want a scone! lol! Your Shelley is stunning. I have seen that pattern before, and it has a certain allure to it....I just love it! The trio is gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing, even your sports! Yay!

  17. Oh I love visiting your blog - I always learn something every single time I come by. I do love your lovely teacups.

    Thank you for hosting - so glad I was (finally) able to join in the fun. Take care!!

  18. Hi Ruth! Okey dokey - I networked blog followed you. Don't know what that means. I am so dense when it comes to blog following lists. I used to be fine with the blogger follow thingy - and somehow got a Linky follow then, too. But, when I migrated to WordPress, lost all of that. I feel like I'm starting all over again and don't know how to keep up with followers. I do the Google + circles - but they are confusing and I don't know how to use them. I try to get folks to follow me on facebook - THAT I get - but now I have to get people to be sure to "Get Notifications" under the LIKED that they click on there or else they probably won't get any of my posts. FB is blocking in an effort to get all us small fries to PAY. Gah! Just trying to keep the conversation going with people who WANT to be in conversation, ya know. Anyway - nice cups. Sad story about Melba - love how you have all the details. I am going to favorite your Etsy shop on my Etsy - hope you'll do the same. I may have to bug you for help identifying some of my stuff. Man - what I job I have ahead of me!
    P.S. Yea - Ed's rooting for Seattle since our Eagle lost. But - we got further than anyone expected and just watch out next year!

  19. I really learn a lot from your blog. I have seen these teacups in many antique store in my area. Although I like them very much, I have not bought any because they do command a higher price than I am willing to pay right now. ( I have set a limit to what I'll pay for a teacup ) They are beautiful though.

    Do you think there are more people who appreciate this workmanship now ? Art seems to ebb and flow with fashion, but true art ends up flourishing in the end . Unfortunately for real artists, not in time to provide for them and their families .


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)