
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Antique Christmas Post Card, Isaiah 9:6, A Holiday Tea Returns, Giveaway Reminder

Good morning! I wanted to take time to post another antique Christmas postcard, with a 1907 date that was unused but featured a beautiful rose and the beginning of Isaiah 9:6, one of my favorite Christmas scripture verses...

The next is a card I had with lovely calligraphy for more of the perfect!

I tried learning calligraphy, but never really mastered it. A wonderful skill!

I hope your days are not too hectic with preparations....that you are able to spend time reflecting and enjoying the warm anticipation of the joyous season!

I had my afternoon tea break in the sunroom with a cup of my favorite tea from last Christmas...Celestial Seasonings herbal Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride....

The tea is very pale when brewed, but has a mildly sweet lovely taste and is a bit like a vaguely lemony sugar cookie. I wondered if it would be back this year and was very pleased it was!  The mug is by Roy Kirkham, in a pattern called Christmas Ribbon and is available at Antiques And Teacups as is the postcard above. 

Latly, I just want to remind you that the drawing for my 7th Blogiversary giveaway of the birdhouse mug with lid, infuser and other goodies is tomorrow, Dec. 8th. If you haven't entered and would like to,  just go to the post HERE and enter!

Have a wonderful day! 


  1. Hi Ruth and Merry Christmas :) Thank You for dropping by.Enjoyed this Christmasy post. Lovely tea box.I do like their artwork on all their boxes. I also enjoyed all Your other tea goodies-all so pretty-Denise

  2. That tea sounds delicious, I will have to look for it!

  3. Oh, I tried calligraphy too, but you have to be really diligent at practicing, practicing, practicing, I am always blowing my hands out, so I think it's not for me. But the new typography calligraphy is so tempting!! Thanks for your visit. ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  4. That is a beautiful postcard! And like you, I tried my hand at calligraphy but it just wasn't meant to be!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)