
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Prince Charles Turns 65 On Nov. 14th - Happy Birthday! An OAP!

Happy Birthday to Prince Charles who turns 65 on Nov. 14, 2013. This was the official photograph taken of him for his 60th birthday.  Prince Charles is now an OAP...for Yanks, that's an Old Age Pensioner...better know in the UK as a wrinkly, wobbly or crumbly...according to my nieces...these are the current phrases...sigh

Born to the Princess Elizabeth before she became queen in 1953....

This is one of my favorite childhood photos of Prince Charles and his sister Princess Anne at Norflok on holiday with...of course...a Corgi...

In school uniform...

This was an official portrait of Queen Elizabeth and the next to heirs to the throne, Prince Charles and Prince William in 2002 for the Queen's Golden or 50th Jubilee...

And this is from the recent christening of Prince George, 3rd in line to the throne, and the first time there have been 3 living successors to a living queen since Queen Victoria. Prince Charles is now the longest serving Prince Of Wales in history....they have usually succeeded by now.

So Happy 65th Birthday Prince Charles!


  1. Happy Birthday, Prince Charles! Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Happy Birthday to the Prince. Wrinkly, wobbly or very British. Made me laugh.
    Happy weekend from Ruthie

  3. I heard on the radio this morning his pension is $175 a month and he is donating it to charity
    I didn't realize we are just a 3 days apart on our birthdays


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