
Friday, August 2, 2013

Progress Report....

Hello my dear friends....just checking in to let you know progress on my carpal tunnel attack. Resting has been a help....not resting really, but being off the computer as much as possible...but a little resting as well....

A tea break and an apricot scone...perfect. 

I have spent more time reading as well, which is always a joy.  But...I do have a business, that augments our social security.  Antiques And Teacups, and Antiques And Teacups At Etsy are a necessity as well as usually a pleasure, except for during this wrist/arm incident, so I have been doing as much as possible on the websites by using my laptop because it has a different hand/arm position.

I looked for mouse alternatives, and found this ergonomic mouse to try.... Instead of your hand resting horizontally on the mouse, it is more vertical, like shaking hands.

It has been an adjustment, but seems to be helping...time will tell. I have ordered another hand held mouse, but that won't be here for a couple of weeks.

I want to just thank so many of you for your kind emails & has been a sorrow to just read posts but not comment. My doctor said avoid typing as much as possible, so my computer time has been spent on processing orders instead of the more fun stuff. BUT improvement is slowly coming, so that's good.    So...I am visiting and loving your usual, you clever ladies! And hope to back posting more soon!


  1. Hi Ruth,
    I have really missed you this week! I have never seen a mouse like your new one. I am praying that you have a speedy recovery and hope that you are in not too much pain. Please rest up and do get well soon! Take care of yourself. Your blogging friend,

  2. Hope the new style mouse really helps. I haven't seen them but am not surprised as so many have these issues. Hope all improves for you!

  3. Thanks for showing that new style of mouse -- I hope it helps you! Take care of yourself and keep sipping tea!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)