
Friday, May 31, 2013

60th Anniversary of The Coronation and Off line

Hello my dear friends. Wanted to post this about Sunday, June 2nd being the actual 60th, or Diamond Jubilee of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.

coronation photo

photo from the Royal Monarchy site...taken at the Buckingham Palace Royal Garden Party last week

I just wanted to celebrate the wonderful occasion.

On another note, I will be off the blog for at least one other week. There is something wrong since I changed to my own domain with Blogger which has disabled all links on my home page. Not on my other pages that are part of the blog, and removed all the sidebars, linkys and parties and blogs I follow from the blog home page. So I have someone looking at it, whom I hope can figure out what happened. Sigh...
So don't forget about me...I'll be back as soon as is possible!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Tuesday Cuppa Tea....NOT! Blogger giving me fits

Hi dear friends. No Tuesday Cuppa Tea today...Blogger is not liking me...

The Memorial Day post went fine last Friday, but now I can't post photos...blogger just freezes so I have emailed support and have given up for the moment.

I noticed that about half the ladies who tried to link to last week's Tuesday Cuppa Tea had problems as well, which may be related. So...I'll be working on this and hopefully things will be back to normal soon.
Sigh...the wonders of technology...when it works right! Have a great day....

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend....honoring our Veterans

I wanted to post this antique postcard, honoring those who have served to safe guard the freedoms we take for granted too often. Memorial Day is a day to remember.....

In England it is called Poppy Day. My friend Kathryn of A Writer's Reverie blog posted this graphic explaining the reason the poppies were chosen, and I thought it appropriate to share that as well today:

When we were on one of our English buying trips for Antiques And Teacups and Time Was Antiques  we took a side trip across the channel by ferry.

While touring France, we visited the battlefields at Normandy and Lorraine, France. The visit was truly a moving experience...with graves and markers as far as one could see. It somehow brought home in visible terms the scope of the losses.

So I take this opportunity to remember all who have sacrificed, and are still serving to safeguard that which we hold dear.  Thank you.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tuesday Cuppa Tea - Catching Up

Hello my dear friends and welcome to Tuesday Cuppa Tea! I have been off the blog for 3 weeks due to a blog attack, allergies and a holiday, but I'm back!

First of all, I want to thank you, dear friends, for the wonderful comments, emails and note I received. I can't tell you how precious they were to me! Thank you with all my heart for your kindness.

Because of the blog pirate and recommendations from Kathy at A Delightsome Life, and Bernideen at Friends Sharing Tea and their techie friends, I have changed the blog address for this Antiques And Teacups blog to a domain related to my retail website that I wasn't using. The address of the blog is, rather than the old   So you may need to change your settings, or re-follow...I hope not, but am not sure!

As you can see, the lilacs are out in the yard. I dearly love them. They certainly breathe out spring around here. We only have lavender, but around town are white, a darker purple and a pink. Their fragrance is intoxicating, and I think they are so beautiful. My teacup today was inspired by the lilacs in bloom.

This gorgeous cup and saucer was made in the 1920s in Bavaria, Germany by RKW or Rudolph Wachter Kirchenlamitz. The design is hand painted lilacs with gold overlay leaves and gold trim on white porcelain. It is a low, wide cup and has a lovely feel in the hand. I just love it! 

The pottery began in 1893 and nearly ceased during the years of World War II. The company survived through good management, and had a renaissance after the war with popular modern design china and beer steins. The company merged with Schaller in the 1960s and finally closed in 1974.

For more info on the teacup at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.

When we returned from our holiday and got the mail on Tuesday, I found a package waiting for me from Celia of A High Heeled Life.  I won a blog gift...and I LOVE it!!!!

I received a wonderful individual teapot with the phrase "Keep Calm And Drink Tea, a box of similarly named English breakfast tea and a fabulous journal from Laduree called The Secrets. I sent Celia an email thanking her, a received a reply from her from Amsterdam where she is currently on holiday. Thanks again, Celia!

Just a reminder to Victorian lovers that May 24th is Queen Victoria's birthday. She was born in 1819 and died in 1901.

This photo was taken at the time of her Diamond Jubilee in 1897. For more information about that year, the household and Victoria's life, the British Monarchy has a fabulous web resource called Queen Victoria's Scrapbook made up of photos, diary entries and other documents from the Royal archives and can be visited. It is fabulous to wander through the website. Fascinating! I certainly urge you to visit if you have any interest in Queen Victoria and her life and times.   And Happy Victoria Day to my Canadian friends!
Queen Victoria's Scrapbook

I was going to do  part of this post on the RHS, or Royal Horticultural Society annual Chelsea Flower Show which was this weekend in the UK, but I found a fellow blogger who attended this year who will be posting about it so I will share her blog instead. The photo above is from her post, from last year's show. We attended several times, but haven't for about 5 years so I fugured her info would be more up to date. My photos aren't digital yet (I just bought a photo scanner) either. So for more info, visit the Happy Homemaker UK blog.

When I get my photos downloaded and organized, I will share about about our 15 days at sea on the Celebrity Century. I breathe best at pollen, no trees, no grasses, and I am feeling so much better after our trip.

I  want to thank you for your visit, dear friends! Have a great week, and visit some of the wonderful blogs. The linky is here for Tuesday Cuppa Tea and I so love your comments.

Teacup Tuesday
Tea Party Tuesday
Teatime Tuesday
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness
Tea On Tuesday
Miss Kathy ~
Tuesday Tea       
Tea On Tuesday
Tea Tuesday
Tea On Tuesday
Bernideen’s ~
Tea In The Garden Tuesday

Poetry In A Pot Of Tea
Lavender Cottage
What’s It Wednesday                                           
Home On Wednesday