A Message from Ruth at Antiques And Teacups

Welcome to the blog of Antiques And Teacups! Let's share a cup of tea and talk about the things we love...like teacups, antiques, collectibles, visiting England, antiquing and learning about victoriana and quirky gadgets. Fun!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, FREE BATES tshirt Drawing, Burleigh, Middleport Pottery

Happy New Year and welcome to Tuesday Cuppa Tea! Many blogs have been on break, and it will be good to catch up  with everyone. I am a bit late due to the Downton Abbey season 3 opener last night in the usual blog writing window. I was afraid, considering how much I have loved the other 2 seasons, it might be disappointing. Not so. A wonderful 1st installment!

In honor of that, I am having a giveaway....

This is just for fun!!! Are you a fan of the star crossed lovers Bates & Anna? Well a friend knew I was and sent me some tea shirts proclaiming the cry: FREE BATES!  So...I am giving away 3 of the t shirts. We only have L and M left. So...if you want to sport your own Downton FRE BATES t shirt...please leave a comment...we will draw next Monday and announce the winners on Tuesday. Cheers!

Please comment below. If you don't have a blog, please leave an email below. Also...I am not google +, although I amy have to join, so I can't communicate with all of you, so please leave an email address, or check back to see if you are a winner.  The comments field are below, along with the linky for your tea related posts and a list of some of the blogs I am joining.

BUT...on to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

Today I have Burleigh, England's Asiatic pheasant. Burleigh, by Burgess and Leigh has made this famous pattern since the mid Victorian era, although this set dates to the 1970s. Several potteries made it since it first appeared in 1750. The pattern comes in several different colors. Fow more into on the teacup trio at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.

This is a photo I took 2 years ago at Fortnum & Mason's tea rooms in London of the pattern as it is still made in the UK today. Burleigh has manufactured it's wares at Middleport Pottery, in Sataffordshire for a century, but in 2011 the pottery was saved from destruction by Prince Charles, who's Prince's Regeneration Trust stepped in to save it. Middleport was the last existing Victorian working pottery. I was thrilled! Work began on a restoration last year in 2012.

In the middle photo you can see the so-called bottle kiln still standing. Bottle kilns at one time dotted the Stoke-on-Trent area, but few remain standing. Middleport will house a working visitor center, hands-on exhibits and musem. Fabulous!

To read more about Burleigh, the process and what they sell, click on this link:

Burleigh Middleport Pottery

For more info on the Prince's Regeneration Trust and their plans for Middleport Pottery, click on this link:

Prince's Regeneration Trust 

I also found a great video of Stephen Moore visiting the mould (or mold to Yanks) store room at Burleigh that I loved. What history:

Middleport Pottery's Mould Collection with Steven Moore from The Prince's Regeneration Trust on Vimeo.

So have a great day visiting the other blogs. The linky is below.

Monday Marketplace
Terri~  http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com/ 
Teacup Tuesday
Trisha~  http://sweetology101.blogspot.com/ 
Tea Party Tuesday
Teatime Tuesday
Kathy~  http://blissfulrhythm.blogspot.com/
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness
Tea On Tuesday
Miss Kathy ~http://thewritersreverie.blogspot.com/
Tuesday Tea       
Tea On Tuesday
Tea Tuesday
Tea On Tuesday
Poetry In A Pot Of Tea
Friends Sharing Tea Wednesday
What’s It Wednesday                                           
Home On Wednesday
 A Tea Lover     ~http://the-teaist.blogspot.com/
Tea Talk Wednesday


  1. I am a huge Downton fan and of course, I adore Mr. Bates and Anna. I would be thrilled to have a large Free Mr. Bates shirt. Thank you for entering me.
    Love Burleigh ware too. Went to the site and drooled over so much of it. Hooray for Prince Charles for saving them. I wish all the others could be saved too.
    Ruthie from Lady B's

  2. Happy New Year, Ruth! I do love the Burleigh china; especially the red! Lovely pattern. Nice to have you stop by for tea and have a wonderful new week.


  3. Happy New Year to you Ruth! This Burleigh pattern is really pretty and I've not seen it before. Wonderful photos of the factory and I'm happy that Prince Charles is saving some of the historic sites in Britain. I don't get to see Downton Abbey so please don't enter my name in the draw. I hope you have a lovely week. Pamela

  4. Thank you for your generosity!

  5. I LOVE Downton Abbey, especially Bates and Anna's relationship. I'd love to win this t-shirt. Thanks for the chance.


  6. What a pretty teacup set. And what a fun place to visit! Thank you for hosting and have a lovely evening! Oh thank you for reminding me to watch Downton Abbey season 3 opener. I should be able to catch it on demand!

  7. Beautiful photos! I love the red and white transferware. Happy New Year, Ruth!...Christine

  8. Love the Burleigh china, Sandi showed a pattern this week too, which I have a lot of. It is the same? isn't it. Enjoy your posts. Happy New Year...

  9. Hello Ruth, Happy New Year! Yes, many bloggers seem to be on break. Maybe next week we will all be caught up on our sleep.
    I adore your Burleigh tea cups and dishes! That is my favorite pattern, I even love the backstamp! I have some pink transferware dishes, different patterns, but no Burleigh yet! Soon maybe...I will keep looking.
    I have watch the season opener of Downton Abbey twice already! I love it so much! Things are really changing at Downton, you can feel it as you watch. It will never be the same. But I sense I will love where they go with the story.
    I would just be over the moon to win one of your FREE BATES t shirts! Any size at all!

  10. Such a beautiful tea set..enchanting and the color are so soft and poetic! Beautiful! What a fun t-shirt in honor of Mr Bates..everyone adores their love story! Wonderful and generous!
    Happy Tea
    Visiting from Terri's blog.

  11. Anna and I need to see Bates freed--for the sake of their love and Downton Abbey's future!

    :) Chelsea

  12. Dear Ruth,

    WOW- you and I must have been definately on the same wave-length with our posts today!

    I adore your gorgeous Burleigh teacups. It is the prettiest colour - not too pink and not too red, just in the middle and beautiful!

    As always I learned new things when I visit your awesome blog.

    I would love to win a Free Bates tee, but I eat too many cookies at tea time to fit in it, so will let one of my smaller tea friends get a better chance. Neat of you, tees for teas!!

    Thanks for hosting! Happy Tea Tuesday!


  13. Yes, to the Free Bates t-shirt. Love the pattern on the dishes. Great blog. Thank you.

  14. Our fellow bloggers are slowly returning. I do love Downton Abbey and Bates should be free! Love your Burleigh and thank you for some history and links. Happy Tea Day.

  15. I've been watching on Direct TV downton Abbey and Bates should be free, I feel sorry for his sweet wife, she loves him so! Looks like they're rerunning it again too.Thank you for hosting and for the Burleigh and the story as well. Have a happy week.

  16. Love the pink/red transferware you've featured today. Beautiful! And yes, I'm a Downton Abbey follower and watched the first episode of Season III Sunday night.

  17. This is such a beautiful pattern! (I especially love it in blue.) I'm so glad that Prince Charles Trust was able to save this pottery. There is so much history here that needs to be preserved.

  18. Happy New Year...

    I'm so very envious over missing the first few Downton Abbey's ..being out of the country has it's ups and downs...Would love to win a Mr. Bates( L) to dry my tears on ( ha Ha) ... I'm just dying to see ohow Shirley MacLaine fits into the series...Is it possible?????

    Hopefully my mother is taping them for me... OMG the Burleigh pattern is beautiful I love that reddish transfer ware, even better than blue... It's wonderful to see the old architectural sites being restore..Yeah Charles!!!!

    It's so nice to be back into teatime to chat... Hugs

  19. Hello Ruth~ Oh, you got to visit Fortnum and Mason...what a treat! I LOVE the Burleigh cup. I like the delicate florals and fancy bird with the long tail. How fun- a giveaway! Please do not put me in the drawing as I think the shirt should go to a fan of the show. Thanks for hosting each week. HAPPY Wednesday :)

  20. How fun! What a great giveaway! I love Downton Abbey! I think it's time to watch all the seasons again!! Very cute mug! Wonderful post.

  21. That is such a pretty pattern. Do please pop my name into the tea-cup. I would love the Free Bates L tea-shirt. Thanks for having the give-away. Deb

  22. That's one pattern I adore -- it's so ENGLISH! I have several pieces from different manufacturers. All blue, of course! There's just somehting so classic about Asiatic Pheasant!

  23. Dear Ruth, I enjoy your blog so much. I am a big fan of Downton and I definitely vote to free Bates. He and Anna make such a nice couple. Thank you for the beautiful photos of Burleigh and England, so nice to see them. Hope you have a great new year, Joanie
    Newnan, Georgia

  24. You're blog is a delight! and the Free bates T shirt a riot! I've shared my Downton Abbey Tea Party on your Cuppa Tea Tuesday and would love to be entered in the drawing! Thanks so much for hosting!

  25. Thanks for the generous Free Bates t-shirt giveaway! I discovered your great blog through Pink Saturday. :-)

  26. I love Downtown Abbey! Now I have my sis hooked on it. What a hoot it would be if I won and she saw me in my Free Bates tee!

  27. Thank you for posting the wonderful video it was lovely to see, big hugs..


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)


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