
Monday, December 17, 2012

Tuesday Cuppa Tea Break, Wishing You A Merry Christmas

With the heralding of cross stitch cat angels that I made a few years ago

I want to let you know that Tuesday Cuppa Tea is on break until Jan. 1st, 2013. With being ill, I am far behind on preparation for a Christmas trip. I was also awakened at 5am with a blizzard warning bulletin on my phone. What??? I didn't even know the phone did that! Amazing! But in the Seattle area??? Anyway, we are due to leave on Thursday and fly out on Friday, so I am praying that this doesn't complicate things...or even cancel the trip. Just trusting God that he will do whatever is best.

So I just want to take this opportunity to wish you all the most wonderful Christmas celebrating the Savior's birth. May your world be filled with peace and joy and hope and love. The best things I can wish for anyone.


  1. Hi Ruth, I hope the storm isn't bad enough to change your travel plans. Your cross stitch angels are so cute! I wish you and yours a very blessed Christmas celebrating the birth of our savior. Safe travels to you! Warm hugs, Pamela

  2. Ruth ... wishing you a healthy Christmas and that the storm does not affect your travel plans. Your cross stitch is lovely ...From our home to yours Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year..xo C. (HHL)

  3. Dear Ruth,
    I am sorry to hear you are still under the weather. I hope you feel better soon and are able to enjoy your Christmas. Safe travels and enjoy this time with your family. Take care, my friend.

    Christmas blessings to you and yours,

  4. Hi Ruth,

    I hope you feel better soon! Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  5. Hoping you are feeling better. I have enjoyed seeing all your cross stitch work the past couple of weeks.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  6. Dear Ruth,
    Be well, enjoy the season, happy travels. All good things for Christmas. I enjoy your "company" and knowledge on teacups.
    xo Ruthie from

  7. Enjoy your holiday or trip, God bless and I hope you are feeling better. Merry Christmas...

  8. I hope you have a productive week! Merry Christmas!

  9. And a most blessed Christmas to you and your family as well!

  10. Praying you have safe travels and a wonderful Christmas!

  11. Dear Ruth,
    I am sorry to hear you have been ill, me too, and it does put a kink in one's plans : )
    Hopefully you will be fully recovered before you leave on your trip. Have a safe and happy holiday!
    And thank you so much for joining in Tea Cup Tuesday this year! I have really loved visiting you and am thankful for all your knowledge.

  12. Hope you are up to speed and feeling better. Just wanted to wish you a happy and blessed new year.

  13. I love your angel kitties. May I ask where you got the pattern for them? It would inspire my kitties to try harder!

  14. Love the tapestry work! I do hope that your Christmas was full of joy and that the new year will be happy and blessed. Joan


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)