
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Victoria Nesting Birds Teacup, Coutry Diary For May

Hello wonderful blog ladies. I hope you are enjoying the special weekend called Memorial Day when we remember those who gave so much for us.

This is my post for my meme Tuesday Cuppa Tea! I hope you can link with me at the bottom and also visit the other blogs who have tea themes as well...there are many others as well.

It has been so noisy in the mornings at our home because several robins are nesting in our large shrubs. We haven't seen exactly where, but their busy food runs and lovely morning songs are a joy! they often stop the fence outside our sunroom with their latest catch of bugs or worms before they head in to feed the babies, our poor cat has been going nuts at the window.  Which made me remember the cup and saucer I wanted to share this week.

This is a wonderful teacup by Victoria China, made by Cartwright & Edwards, England in the 1920s. The black transfer bird nest design has been hand painted with enamel paints so they stand out. I just love it! The birds are so cute! For more info at Antiques And Teacups, just click on the photos.

Normally I would shared with you from one of my favorite books for the month before now, but having been on holiday I missed it...and the drawings of Edith Holden in the Country Diary Of An Edwardian Lady from 1904 are just too special to miss!

You can see why I thought of it, as it has her wonderful drawing of the nest of a Chaffinch with Hyacinths.

These are White-Throats and their nest with crab apple blossoms

O velvet bee, you're a dusty fellow,
You've powdered your legs with gold!
O brave marshmary buds, rich and yellow,
Give me your money to hold!

O columbine, open your folded wrapper,
Where 2 twin turtledoves dwell!
O cuckoo-pint toll me the purple clapper
That hangs in your clear green bell
Jean Ingelow

Drawings of Common Garlic, Wild Arum, Cuckoo-pint and Lords And Ladies or Arum Maeulatum

Depicted are Red Campion, Wild Hyacinth and Wild Beaked Parsley

I hope you have seen as many natural wonders as you have been out and about this month. God's creation is always such a joy to discover and appreciate and brings such wonder!

Remember that next weekend, starting June 2nd is Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. There will be all sorts of things going on...and we'll be flying the Union Jack!

Here is the blog list and the linky. Look forward to visiting all your wonderful blogs! Have a wonderful day and have a cup...or glass of tea with a friend!

Monday Marketplace
Teacup Tuesday
Tea Party Tuesday
Teatime Tuesday
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness
Teacup Tuesday 
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Tea With Friends
Celia ~  Afternoon Tea
 Tuesday Teatime 
Friends Sharing Tea Wednesday

What’s It Wednesday


  1. I am really disappointed that the robins haven't nested in their usual spot in the cedar behind the deck. At least not yet. I always enjoyed watching them. Is the book, The Diary of an Edwardian Lady, still available in any stores? I would love to have a copy. I hope you have a wonderful week. Pamela

  2. That book is beautiful - and so is your darling cup! I have birds nesting just outside my window, also, and I'm listening to them as I'm writing this! Thank you so much for the information about my Foley teacup! It was very interesting. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Hello Ruth,
    Your teacup is just darling; love it! And the book is lovely. Happy Memorial Day and have a wonderful week.


  4. Ruth, you shared two of my favorite things: birds and teacups!! Your tea cup is sweet as can be. Thank you for also sharing this delightful antique book. Wishing you a happy tea time always~Vicki

  5. Hi Ruth,
    What a lovely cup! And the book likewise!
    Birds nesting is always a great sight in nature and so these images both on porcelain and on paper fill us with joy!
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hello Ruth
    Your teacup with nesting birds is lovely and a special set to use when you are a backyard bird watcher. The book has some nice drawings and traditions, it would make good reading for any age.
    Our dear Queen is quite the lady, isn't she?

  7. What beautiful plates! I love anything with birds on them...Christine

  8. Ruth that teacup and saucer are most lovely! perfect for taking tea in the garden... I hope to be more present in blogland in the coming month and visit more often..xo HHL

  9. Beautiful porcelain! Teacup looks very good to drink from. I love robins. Small but tough! Edith Holden has gorgeous watercolors. Janet Marsh's Nature Diary is a similar wonderful book. I wish you a wonderful week! Zinnia

  10. Hi Ruth, Your cup and saucer are so sweet! Love the birdies! We have a finch nest above our porch light and Mom and Dad are raising their second clutch of babies right now. Almost as soon as the first fledglings left the nest, Mom was back in the nest again! Fun to observe.
    Hugs, Beth

  11. I love your teacup with the nesting birds. I'm a bird lover and tea lover -- can't have enough of either! :D :D The Country Diary is such a lovely book and the illustrations you have shared are perfect for this teacup! Happy Tea Day!

  12. How lovely Ruth!
    i have that same book - The Diary of an Edwardian Lady - and get much enjoyment from it..
    i find the teacup completely unusual with it's coloured rim and b/w design... fascinating! as your selections usually are :)

    tea's on at FHC ~ vintagey and in the Garden in Bath!

  13. Hi Ruth,
    What a lovely tea set you have. I love anything with birds on it and especially on teacups! I don't know why but we have very few robins this year. Hope this won't be a trend! Your book looks so interesting. I'll have to see if they have one at the library. Thank you for hosting your fun tea party and have a great week!

  14. I adore your birdie tea cup set! Wow! You don't often see such a fine shape and design. You must be thrilled to have it and use it.
    The book is fabulous, I don't own it, but I have read it. Now seeing yours I want to read it again.

  15. Hi Ruth: Always a delight to visit. I know I am going to learn something each time. Your tea cup is beautiful. You have an amazing collection. Hope you have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  16. What a gorgeous book! I love the birds!
    I also love the china....beautiful!

  17. Wow! Love that teacup! It is gorgeous. The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady is one of my favorite books! I need to go get it while it is raining and read through it! I appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)