
Friday, January 20, 2012

Pink Saturday Retro Pink Musical Instruments Tea Tin

Well I am finally back feeling a bit better and posting...somewhat...again. I am joining Pink Saturday with Beverly at How Sweet The Sound.

This is my pink! A vintage English tea tin with a design of musical instruments on a sort of retro pink, blue and white loose plaid. I love tea tins...and  have a row of them in the kitchen with various types of tea. Especially as my husband prefers different types so we have lots of tea in the house! Tea tins can be used for all sorts of storage...not just tea. They are just so versatile!

I am going to enjoy the Pink Saturday posts...missed last week with illness, so  will enjoy it doubly! The snow here is thawing a bit and we now have icicles hanging from the roof. I haven't been out of the house since Tuesday, but hope to get out tomorrow...hopefully the roads will have thawed.

Have a wonderful, warm and Pink Saturday! For more on the tea tin at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.


  1. Beautifully designed and precious holder!

  2. I loved flavored tea also. This tin is a precious design and so very useful. Thanks for sharing and I hope you continue to improve.

  3. Dear Ruth, I'm so sorry to hear you and your husband have been feeling badly. Hope you will be back to normal soon. I thought of you today when I made a very special purchase. Will share later.
    Love, Linda

  4. How whimsical! I am so glad you are on the mend.

  5. Beautiful pink!

    My PINK is inviting you to come and see. Have a nice weekend!

  6. So pleased you are now on the mend. Really nice tea caddy. They always remind me of my Grandma, who kept a few of them. I always remember sitting in her rocking chair by the fire (in England) and taking down a tea caddy from the mantle. She kept her sewing and mending things in it. she would always knit,crochet or mend in the afternoons.
    Thank you for the memories
    xx jeanetteann

  7. Love your english tea tin, and thanks for posting.

  8. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. LOve those tea tins, they are very special

  9. Oh wow, the tea tin is really neat! I haven't seen one like it before. Nice find for your collection! Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Oh I hope you are soon 100 per cent ! Love the tin ... I have to admit to having a few myself.
    Happy PS.

  11. That tea tin with the musical instruments is spectacular.

  12. So glad your feeling better and able to do your post about your darling tea tin. I've started to collect them recently as I need more places for my different teas.
    Praying you have a good week,
    Nancy @ Two Cottages And Tea

  13. I love the tea tin. What a fun design!

  14. I have never seen such a tea tin. Very unusual. I recently found a King George biscuit tin that I snapped up for $5. Love when that happens.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)