
Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday Cuppa Tea, Rose Chintz Teacup, Victoria Holiday Bliss

Happy Tuesday Cuppa Tea! I am joining the other wonderful tea related blogs at the bottom. LOVE Tuesday! Such fun!

I found this teacup at an estate sale recently and fell in love with it. The colors are lovely, I love chintz and I found the shape to be so pleasing. The company who made it, Bartley International, England was one I am not very familiar with, although from the shape and mark style it is probably from the 1960s. I usually love to know and share the history of the manufacturers, but this must have been a pretty short lived and small company, as no records exist that I can find. Ah well...but won't affect the taste of a lovely cuppa!

For more info on the chintz teacup at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos.

And Joy of Victoria magazine special Holiday Bliss issue arrived a week ago. I always get out my old November & December Victoria's going back to 1988 I think, and have an orgy of Victoria gorgeousness each year about now. This special issue is a treat to add to that seasonal collection.

The holiday edition also features fall and Thanksgiving, not just Christmas.

So I am a happy camper at my house! Good thing, as my back has been a problem, so I have had a bit more time to peruse the back issues of Victoria and this holiday issue than I would normally had. It's helped pass the time with a cuppa tea waiting for a muscle relaxant to kick in!  But my problems are small compared with many, and I have so much to be thankful for.....

Saw this after a recent doctor's visit from a friend on Facebook who doesn't know where it came from so I thought I'd share it. Check out my previous posts for some Christmas catalog puns as well.... Ready???

Joining these other great tea related blog parties & more! Linky at the bottom after this...I'm still experimenting with them. 

Teacup Tuesday
Teacup Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ 
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee~ 
Tea For Two and Wednesday Tea For Me and Thee
Tea Party Tuesday
Lady Katherine~ 
Teatime Tuesday
Teatime Tuesday
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Victoria - A Return to Loveliness


  1. Love your *new* teacup! I can sit with the Victoria magazine holiday issue anytime and dream! Happy Tea Day!

  2. Hello there once again dear lady,

    What an exquisitely lovely little, chintz tea cup and saucer that you recently found at an estate sale!.. So pretty with the colors and chintz florals on the inside of the teacup, and the outside in white.

    I just love your little,golden kitty and your 'cat scan' fun.., Too cute!..,

    Thanks for joining us this week for Tuesdays teas, we always so enjoy having you partake.

    Hugs, Wanda Lee

  3. Ruth, I do love chintz as you know so this cup is very much admired. It is a pretty shape. I enjoy all the issues of Victoria too. The Holiday bliss is especially nice. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week.


  4. Very beautiful cup! I love chintz, too. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Your new chintz teacup is lovely. It is fun going through all the holiday Victoria magazines - such inspiration. Thanks for the cute cat scan. Hope your back is feeling better soon.


  6. Hello Ruth~ I also like chintz...what a sweet pattern! Got a laugh from the 'cat scan'! LOL~ Have a blessed week,

  7. What a lovely find! The chintz is so pretty in that shade of pink! I just bought Victoria last night and am enjoying it. It is one magazine I make sure I pick up this time of year.
    I do hope your back feels better soon.

  8. Such a pretty chintz cup and saucer...I love Victoria magazine too!
    ha! cat scan...cute!!!

  9. Hi Ruth! Your chintz is lovely - I must keep my eyes open for something similar as I don't have a chintz cup in my small collection yet! I'm looking out for my Holiday Bliss in the mail, too - thanks for the peak at past issues and the info on my own teacup as an Old Cambridge shape. Nifty!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)