
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Teacup Thursday with Miss Spenser, Shelley Harebell, May from A Country Diary

Happy Teacup Thursday with Miss Spenser's blog.  If you haven't visited Miss Spenser lately, you've got to see her photos of her Royal Wedding tea. The Queen was there!!!!! And the food looked fabulous!  I hope we have all recovered from the wedding, tea parties and lost sleep staying up late (or all night) to watch the festivities. Good thing it's not every week!

Today I want to pay homage to the new month of May. I have chosen a Shelley teacup in the Harebell pattern and low Oleander shape that is a favorite of mine. The molded petal shape is so delicate and elegant and the blue harebells just speak of spring to me. For more info on the Shelley Harebell teacup at Antiques And Teacups, click on the photos blow.

I look at the teacup and can feel a warm breeze and smell the heavenly daphne blooming outside my front door.

I bought a pack of chocolate dipped heart shaped shortbread cookies at Costco today...couldn't resist...they looked so good. And they are awesome! Both milk and dark chocolate dipped shortbread as good as Walkers which we used to stock in our antique shop/tea items store. Yum!!! We had one with a cup of tea this afternoon and they are delicious!!! Can't wait for tea time tomorrow!

And from the Country Diary Of An Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden the watercolor is labeled of a Chaffinch's nest and eggs. Hawthorn blossom and wild hyacinths.  And here are some quotes or mottoes about the month of May:

Change not a clout till May be out
(translation: don't put your woolies away too soon!)

Who doffs his coat on a winter's day, 
will gladly put it on in May

Shear your sheep in May 
and shear them all the way

A cold May and a windy
a full barn will find ye

Be it weal or be it woe
beans blow before May doth go

So now you know....Have a great day visiting the others participants in Teacup Thursday. Thanks for visiting.  We still have a few Royal Wedding William and Kate mugs left at Antiques And Teacups. Just click on the mug photos on the sidebar.


  1. what a beautiful tea cup, so dainty are the flowers!

  2. I enjoyed my tea with you this morning.Your post was enjoyable. Denise

  3. I adore Shelley teacups. I have a sweet little cream and sugar in yellows. Lovely post.

  4. Ruthie, Ruthie, Ruthie, Ruthie...

    The sweet comment you left on my little bloggie today blessed me more than I can say! Thank you so for visiting me this morning!

    I love the tea cup. They are my passion.

    Love to you~



Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)