
Friday, March 25, 2011

Pink Saturday Teacup & Prayer Request for my DIL's Heart Surgery

It's Pink Saturday with Beverly of How Sweet the Sound. I hope you have all had a week filled with sunshine and blessings.  I am sharing the palest of pink teacup by Tuscan, England from the 1940s. I love the hand applied enamel stamens. The style is the end of the art deco era, and you can see the ebbing influence of that design style. 

The color really is a blush of pink. It makes me think of the pink of a dawn. For more information for the pale pink teacup at Antiques And Teacups, just click the photos.

The photos of my primroses didn't turn out...but these are from a great site called Flower Pictures.  Mine are not out enough yet. I love primroses as they are one of the first signs of spring. Lovely! Makes my heart sing!

I am looking forward to everyone's Pink Saturday post, and planning on visiting them all! I always learn so much, find folks I haven't met yet and am amazed at the talented and creative folks out there! Thanks!

I would like to ask for prayer for my daughter in law Casey, the sweetest thing ever, and she makes my son David SOOO happy! She is to have heart surgery on Tuesday morning. It was to be Monday, but they've backed up a day. Anyway, they know she has a hole in her heart at least the size of a dime or more. They will go in and if dime size will stitch it or if bigger patch it. She has been bed ridden now for a month (she's only 35) and an operations sup at the TrueBlue program at JetBlue so is on leave. My son has had to have the time off work as well as Casey can't do anything without fainting. So...I would very much appreciate your prayer for our beloved Casey & our son Dave who was 41 last Tuesday. There photo with their little dog Bella is on the sidebar.

Thank you...we love them so much! We can't go be with them because my husband who has Parkinson's Disease can't handle the altitude in Salt Lake, Utah so we will be here waiting. That is tough...I have to keep repeating all the scriptures I know that apply.

 "The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You."
Isaiah 26:3 NASB


  1. Happy Pink fun to join in all the Pinkness...I pray for God to bless each one of you peace and strength...enjoy the day!
    praying for your daughter-in-law....

  2. Thanks for stopping to visit me. I am now your newest follower. Love the teacup! and Tinker looks like my Boots!

  3. Hello! I love the tea you shared. The gowns were amazing, as were the photos you shared. Thank you, too, for looking at my spot. Have a wonderful week! Peace and joy, Sunny109

  4. Casey and your family will be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing your beautiful teacups. Does Tinker answer e-mail? Have a peaceful weekend! Terri

  5. what a gorgeous teacup! the design pattern looks popped out and lovely! thank you for sharing, happy Pink Saturday!

  6. What lovely china! I'm delighted to have my parent's chine from their 1943 wedding. It is Haviland's "Rosalinde" pattern.

    Casey and David, the family, and the medical team will be in my prayers this week and during Casey's recovery time.



Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)