
Friday, February 25, 2011

Pink Saturday Pink Cat Tea Cozy and English chintz tea tins

I am posting this for Pink Saturday with How Sweet The Sound because the linky it is up already!!!

I am sitting here at the computer, tea mug in Emma Bridgewater Swallow favorite because it is not only a bird but a pun...swallow...get it???...sorry, sophomoric humor. The say puns are the lowest form of humor. But I was raised with a county school superintendent -my father - who was a horrible punster. We used to say he was shot with puniccillin at birth and needed to go to the punitentiary! You get it.....

So, where was I? Oh yes, Emma Bridgewater's Swallow mug...drinking tea and listening to the snow/ice crunch as the cars go by. We have had 9 inches of snow in the last 2 days, and today it is cloudless and 25 degrees...hence the crunch!

I wanted to share this so cute padded and hand made cat tea cozy a lady made in town. I think it is so cute! I added antique high button shoe eyes. I have tons of them because my English grandmother collected them and I have tons! Isn't he cute?

You can see more about the pink cat tea cozy at Antiques and Teacups by clicking the photo.

I also want to share 2 English chintz tea tins I acquired recently. I absolutely LOVE tea tins, and have them all over the kitchen as well as stocking them in our antique shop. They bring such a spot of color to any space, and they are definitely more fun than boring glass, in my opinion. These are really nice!

We haven't gone outside today...preferring to stay inside and warm. The cat has been going nuts because of the extra business of the birds at the bird feeders because so much of their usual forage is hidden under the snow which is now covered by a layer of ice. Tinker climbs onto the window sills, mumbles, comments and wops his tail in a military tattoo. I don't think the birds see him, which is good. Ahhh...frustration to be an inside cat...but much healthier!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Today really is a day the Lord has made and I have certainly been rejoicing in the beauty of our white and frozen world.  And to think we thought, when moving out of the mountains a few years ago, that we wouldn't have to deal with snow again at sea level. HA!


  1. What a lovely tea cozy and your tins are so bright and decorative. Stay safe and warm.

  2. Hi and Happy Pink Saturday!
    Darling tea cozy! I know just what you mean about kitties in the window watching birds...oh my they get serious!

    One of my grandmothers had a tea tin similar to yours....they are pretty aren't they?
    Stay warm and cozy...that is what we are doing as we have about three more inches of snow due before morning....

  3. I'm not really a tea drinker, my muse is coffee! But I looove tea cups and the whole English vibe! I have quite a few teacups because of their special beauty! I think your kitty tea cozy is adorable and again part of the reason I looove the whole tea thingy...

    We've been enjoying all the activity of the birds and squirrels at our feeders during our snowy spell too! Newbie to 'Pink Saturday' Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  4. Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie...
    What a glorious share this morning. Both photo and write. I love to read the writes most of all.

    Your kitty tea cozy is just beautiful. I love the addition of the precious button eyes. Really cute.

    I too collect tea tins. I have my Momma searching for them each time she goes thrifting back home. I search out here in Phoenix, but I don't see them often.

    I am Country Wings in Phoenix, your newest follower. Please stop by and say hello. I love meeting new friends and sharing our day to day lives along the way. I would love to have you follow me as well.

    Have a glorious weekend.
    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  5. Love the tins - the colours are really bright and beautiful. My gran always kept her loose tea in a tin.

  6. what a fun catchup i've had, Ruth!
    all the way from Victoria to today's posts ")
    enjoyed it a BUNCH! thx for your take on so many points of interest...
    enjoy your day in - i am too. had a -27C nite
    and though sunny today still enough inside to do that i'm not tempted to head out ")
    blessings on your rest and restoration!

  7. FH&CT -27???? Goodness...stay warm!!!

  8. Your tea cozy is just adorable. I love to watch cats as they look out the window. Anything that moves, catches their eye.
    I hope you are keeping warm, it's not going to last forever.
    Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  9. I love Emma Bridgewater's dishes and I have a small collection. Your cozy and tea tins are wonderful. Try to stay warm and hope for Spring weather soon.

  10. So glad I found your beautiful blog!! I love my tea, teacups and teapots!!!!!

  11. Through blogging, we realize it really is a small world afterall. Hello, neighbor!!!

  12. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Ruth. I am so glad you joined us, and I hope you will continue.

    Your tea cozy is so sweet, and I love the tea tins. I've often admired them when I have seen them in shops.

    Spring is trying very hard to come where we live. My daffodils have come up, and I have one lone bloom showing itself.


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)