
Monday, February 7, 2011

My cat Tinker, Brambly Hedge Summer Beaker mug by Royal Doulton

This is our 1 1/2 year old cat Tinker as he kept my honey company watching the super bowl yesterday. He is a bit of a Jekyll & Hyde cat. We adopted him a year ago November after losing our 12 year old cat. The vet, when hearing we might get another in a few months when we came to pick up the cat carrier & pay the bill, suggested we adopt this little stray...part of a litter someone had found abandoned by the roadside. Tinker was the only one left after 8 weeks at the vets but had established a following with his personality. How could we say no?

Owing to his rough life until then, when he got home he hid under the couch for 2 weeks, only coming out stealthily to eat and use his box. Now, he is the boss...until the doorbell rings or he hears strange voices or sees someone strange out the window. Isn't just like us?  Happy in our familiar setting with people we know, but timid with the unknown.

He is extremely loving...when he's hungry...otherwise times when you can cuddle & pet him are infrequent. But he is always ready to play and we have developed as pitchers for this fielder...he thinks he is a retriever! We have fluffy balls (his favorites) and he brings them to us & waits for us to throw it. He then runs after it and brings it back for another go. So cute! He also can't leave a zipper, button or pencil alone.  Cats are a joy as a companion. We wouldn't be without one!

Here is Tinker fetching

I hope you enjoyed football day yesterday. As my DH is primarily an English football fan (hooray for Aston Villa!) he enjoys American football, but is not a fanatic. We had a leisurely lunch after church with friends at the Cafe Garden in Port Angeles, one of our favorite places for brunch then got home just about the time the game started. While the 2 guys watched the game I listed items and read a book...and had a short nap! Ah, Sunday afternoons! Then a cup of tea and a scone. Lovely!

I just added a Brambly Hedge Summer Beaker to Antiques And Teacups. If you are not familiar with the charming stories of a mouse community in the hedgerows of England by Jill Barklem, I suggest you make their acquaintance. The books were highlighted in an issue of Victoria Magazine in 1989 or 1990 but I couldn't find it.

One year on our annual English buying trip, I bought Brambly Hedge mugs at Royal Doulton in Stoke-on-Trent for all my girlfriends for Christmas that year. Anyway, to read more about the stories and inhabitants of Brambly Hedge and the author Jill Barklem, visit

To see more about the Brambly Hedge Summer Beaker at Antiques And Teacups, just click on the photo.

Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow for Teacup Tuesday!

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