
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Teacup Thursday - Royal Albert Cosmos, the Victorian Language of the Flowers, Priestley Tea Quote

It's Teacup Thursday with Miss Spenser's Speciali-teas and I have chosen a favorite Royal Albert England teacup with a design called Cosmos in the series of 12 called Language Of The Flowers. The Cosmos stands for friendship. Any Victorian lady would know the language of flowers and would scan every bouquet she received for hidden messages, and carefully chosen any flowers she sent to another to convey a message, visible or more subtly conveyed. 

The rose, depending on color could mean betrayal, gratitude, passion or joy; the daisy meant innocence; the sunflower pure and lofty thoughts; the violet was modesty and the morning glory meant love in vain. How to fun to realize the sentimental Victorians had such fun communicating with the language of flowers and how they must have puzzled over the meanings of any flowers they received!

To see more about this teacup at Antiques And Teacups, visit this link:
Royal Albert Cosmos Teacup

Our trouble is that we drink too much tea.  
I see in this the slow revenge of the Orient, which has diverted the Yellow River down our throats.  ~J.B. Priestley

Have a great day visiting all the of the Teacup Thursday offerings and have a cup with a friend!


  1. lovely post,such a pretty teacup.Enjoyed my visit for tea.

  2. Lovely teacup, I have never seen this Cosmos design, it's so pretty. I love growing cosmos in the yard each summer so your teacup made me long to work in the garden. Nice to meet you on this Teacup Thursday with Miss Spenser.


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