
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day in Gig Harbor, Rainshadow effect, Moorland Hearts mug

We took a day out and drove to Gig Harbor, WA yesterday. We try to go exploring and antiquing a day each week, and Gig is about 80 miles from home.

It was partly cloudy at home and dry, but as we crossed the Hood Canal Bridge the wind and rain started. Yucky! But when we dipped down into Gig it improved.  When we were getting ready to move to the coast several years ago from Ashland, Oregon we considered a lot of places. Then we got hold of a Rainshadow map.  We found that Sequim was protected from most of the rainfall by the Olympic Mountains and today was an example. When we returned home several hours later, it was repeated and we came out of rain and clouds into part sunshine and dry just after the Hood Canal Bridge.

We had a lovely lunch at The Tides Tavern in Gig Harbor...right ON the harbor which is always fun. The fish is always delicious. We had the halibut fish & chips. The place was packed, as usual. We were told of a new antique shop called Misty Meadows Antiques opened a few months before & visited it. Lovely place, lovely ladies and they started having occasional teas! I signed up for the email list. They had one in Nov & Dec and are planning one for the spring. How fun! I will post when I next hear of one.

With Valentine's Day approaching, I wanted to share this cute hearts mug we have at Antiques And Teacups by contemporary English designer Moorland. I just love it!
To see more photos/info visit:
Moorland Hearts mug

Today, while my honey is watching FA cup games on TV I ma going shopping for the finishing touches for my Teacup Swap gift package that was organized by Faith Hope & Cherry Tea. It is such fun! And a wonderful way to meet new friends! Have a great day, whatever you are doing and have a cup of tea with a friend!

1 comment:

  1. lovely post Ruth!
    so glad for the turns on your antiquing travels! always fun to make new discoveries ~
    and thx too for the FHC mention!
    can hardly wait to see the teacup packages!
    i'll post the linky on tuesday's teacup post to be ready for sharing any deliveries...
    HapPy PS! and a blessed weekend!


Thanks for visiting and we love to hear from you! We read every comment. If my husband's health permits, I love to visit andreply. Have a wonderful day and a cuppa tea always at hand! :)