
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Greetings 1908 antique postcard & A Christmas cross stitch I did

This is another wonderful antique Christmas postcard. This embossed card has a snowy Norman church vignette with holly borders and mas posted in 1908 in Buffalo, New York. 

The vignette reminds me of one of our favorite villages in the Cotswolds, Snowshill where we almost got stuck during an April snowstorm a few years ago. We had spent a week in the Cotswolds antiquing and woke our last morning at the cottage we had rented to 6 inches of snow! We were used to driving in the snow, living at 5,000 feet at that time, and realized the rental car had city tires. We were on our way to family. We were in such a hurry to get on the road, I left my favorite pair of jeans in the dresser drawer and didn't remember for a month! Too late...Sigh...

I wanted to post a photo of several Christmas themed cross stitch pictures I have done over the years. This was done in 1976 and has an old fashioned Christmas theme with some gold filaments and french knots. It didn't photograph well through the glass, because of the reflections of the dining room windows opposite. But I thought I'd try. I have several other designs I will share over the next few days as well. They live in the closet over the summer and only come out for the season!

The Christmas rush is slowing down at Antiques And Teacups...sent what may be the last shipment off we can guaranteed to get there by Christmas in the US. Time for a breather. Am drinking a cup of vanilla white tea and had a dark chocolate and almond florentine while my honey was watching Manchester United play on the Fox Soccer Channel with our cat Tinker on his lap. Ah...home comforts!

Have a great day and rememebr to share with those in need in your communities. Found a link to a giving website managed by the Huffington Post called The Cause Store which may give you some extra ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful..just beautiful..I love all the art work on the old time post and memories from the heart. Brings me back to yesteryear for sure...
    The crossstich is so nice. I could never do work like that...cant even thread a needle without messing up..Merry Christmas...
    Shirley and Cupid...


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